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Scrolling through his phone, Nessa looked at the old pictures. He saw the faces of the friends he once had. Their numbers were still on his phone, but after only a few weeks, they all seemed to give up trying to reach him. After all, Nessa never did reply. He stopped on one photo in particular. In it stood Nessa with his cheeks flushed pink from a giddy day, but holding the camera was a different boy. He had overgrown sandy hair and green eyes filled to the brim with excitement. All Nessa could hear when he saw that face was some of the last words they ever spoke to him.

Charm, I'm so fucking sorry.

Something about them suddenly felt so fragile

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Something about them suddenly felt so fragile. It was as though Emi had never seen it before, but now that she saw it once, she simply couldn't look away. When she had dated Xavian, things were so much different. They fought a lot, because Xavian was destructive just like she was. They wanted to always be in control of the things that they were tearing apart. That lead for their relationship to be made upon broken bones.

But Keely was vastly different. She did not fight to destroy things. In fact, the only person she wanted to destroy was herself. Unlike Emi and Xavian who had no qualms about taking down others if that was what it took, Keely did not care to do that. She wanted to silently fall apart, no one around her able to even get a glimpse before it was too late.

Emi had always known that, but she had been in such a state of bliss that it never seemed as apparent as it now was. The reality was that they were two broken girls, who responded in completely different ways to their environment. And deep down, Emi always sort of knew that that would one day cause conflict.

However, as of right then, it didn't matter. All that mattered was that Keely sat across from her, lazy grin on her face and hair tied back by a French braid that Emi had done. Today she has a daisy chain headband on, but of course she wore it like a hippie, and a white blouse paired with her usual tulle pink skirt. She was going for the boho look today, Emi thought.

It was hard to look away from her, always the splitting image of a Polaroid from the 60s and 70s. What made her even more unique than that though, was the fact that her whole life was a Polaroid of the 60s and 70s. Her parents, her home, her personality. It was as though she had been born in the wrong era. Unlike Emi, who dressed like an egirl, but came from a perfectly normal home life. Although, her mother was a bitch.

"That Alfredo is looking pretty good." Keely announced as she flipped through the menu. They sat in an inexpensive restaurant, where the lighting was oddly low and a bar was not too far from where they sat. However, they had been here before, so they both knew that the food was pretty good.

"I'm thinking that a salad..." Emi trailed off at the sight of Keely's disproving frown. Then she laughed and shook her head. "I was kidding. I'll get the spicy burger thing and some fries."

"I don't know how you do it." Keely was referring to Emi's ability to eat extremely spicy food and not even bat an eye. In fact, that was often her favorite type of food. Keely didn't mind spice, but she had once seen Emi in a hot wings contest where she won by a landslide. Ever since, she was convinced that Emi was some sort of hell-sent spawn. And that only made her like her more.

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