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His hands opened the book for the first time, eyes skimming over the pages. Then Nessa let out a long sigh, realizing how horrible of person he had been. This was how he got into this mess in the first place.

Kiwi walked along side Ilya in the near pitch black, his hands tucked inside of his pockets, and his thoughts walking along a few steps ahead of them

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Kiwi walked along side Ilya in the near pitch black, his hands tucked inside of his pockets, and his thoughts walking along a few steps ahead of them.

"I miss you being able to come out with us all the time." Ilya suddenly said, and that made Kiwi's smile drift away from being a once happy one, to a more sad one.

"Yeah, I miss it too." He let out a small sigh, but smiled despite it. "But I got to come over today, so that was fun. It had been so long since I last saw your house."

"And my room." Ilya added, laughing even though Kiwi knew that he was still sad about the whole situation. "I've added a few posters to the wall."

"I noticed." Kiwi giggled, playing with the bottom of his shirt as they continued to walk.

The rest of their friends were all still at Ilya's, except Nessa of course, who never seemed to go out much after school. Besides that one party, he didn't seem to want to get out much. It made Kiwi curious, but he didn't ask any questions. If Nessa wasn't comfortable enough to talk about it, then Kiwi wasn't comfortable enough to ask about it.

"What's on your mind?" Ilya asked, nudging Kiwi softly with his shoulder. Due to Kiwi being so much shorter, it was more of Ilya's arm hitting Kiwi's shoulder. "You've been in there a lot recently."

Furrowing his dark and unruly brows, Kiwi glanced up at Ilya. He was incredibly attractive. Undeniably so. The way his hair sat in perfect, naturally curled black ringlets that elegantly rested back from his forehead. His eyes had a pink tint surrounding them that contrasted his porcelain white skin, which was a result of some eyeshadow. He had a perfectly white smile, with astoundingly straight teeth. And he looked good in absolutely anything he wore.

He had a sharp nose with a septum piercing, and a strong jawline. Soft blue eyes that didn't look through you, nor did they pry into you. Moderately sized and very pale lips that almost faded into his complexion when he didn't wear any makeup. Those toned arms, and, as though he had been sculpted out of stone, a subtle, yet still impressive six pack was often revealed beneath his clothes.

Intending to mentally shake his head, Kiwi did so physically as to snap his thoughts back into the right place. In reality, Ilya wasn't good for him, and he was especially not good for Ilya. "Have I? How obvious is it?"

Ilya only offered a heartwarming, small smile in response. "Not very obvious at all, I just spend a lot of time looking at you." As always, it was followed up with a flirtatious wink. Flirtatious, and nothing else. He spoke to everyone like that, Kiwi not being any more or less important to him. Well, at least, not in that way.

"You know when you're on a seesaw, and even though you know when the dip is going to come, you can't help but almost forget what it's like when it happens?" Kiwi returned the smile, his a little less subtle. These streets were pretty quiet, mostly due to it being fairly late. But they got visibly more appealing the longer that the pair walked.

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