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After a long argument with his parents, he had simply no other choice but to go to school. Nessa wasn't sick, and they knew that now. Not because they knew what really kept him home, but because they claimed to know how to read their son. He had to bit back a laugh.

"One of these days I'm going to tattle on you

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"One of these days I'm going to tattle on you." The waitress sighed, lips painted black and hair in tight space buns. Her skirt was pulled up high on her waist, that way more of her thighs flashed to the room. Ilya screwed her once, and though she was looking awfully delicious right then, he knew that it would unfortunately never happen again.

"No you won't, because then I'll tattle on you." He winked, grabbing his drink from her and wasting no time from taking a long sip. He was relatively desensitized to alcohol, his tolerance quite high due to his above average height. That didn't stop him from still trying to get drunk, though. Today especially. "Need I remind you that you screwed a minor."

"Seventeen years old, that's legal in Illinois." Her name was Jolie, and she was approaching twenty-two. Which, in Ilya's book, was hardly old enough to be considered a problem. Others would disagree.

"Need I remind you that it was a week before my birthday." He touched a finger to his chin, feigning deep thought. "Or was it two..."

"If you weren't such a damn lier, I would have known that." Jolie sighed, glancing around the noisy bar. There was some vague hip hop playing from somewhere unknown, but people were all talking over it. He liked it here because new people seemed to filter out nonstop. That meant new victims. New hearts to devour. "Utter a fucking word and I'll get you kicked out of any bar in the entire US of A."

"And I'll still find my way." Ilya told her, earning an amused roll of her eyes as she began to walk off towards some other table with a few drunk guys catcalling anyone they saw. Leaning forward comfortably, resting his cheek in his palm, Ilya scanned the crowd as he continuously drank whatever he could. Eventually, he was on his second beer, third, then fourth. That was when his money began to run out.

Until, to his great pleasure, a pretty girl with seductive eyes and red hair whispered something to Jolie from across the bar. Knowing what to look out for, Ilya instantly took note of that. He waited expectantly, meeting her fiery gaze. That was when his thoughts were confirmed. Soon, Jolie stood before him with another drink that he had not ordered.

"Sex on the beach for yours truly." Her eyes flitted back to the pretty girl who was currently eye-fucking Ilya. "I'll never understand how all you have to do is sit there, and everyone in the world wants a piece of your ass."

"It's a true art form." Ilya replied, taking a dainty sip of his new drink as he made sure not to take his gaze away from the redhead. One drink turned into two, but the redhead had yet to get up and approach him. Sometimes that happened, and when it did, it absolutely drove Ilya insane.

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