Chapter 6: HELP ME

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After I entered class Samu, Atsumu and Gin soon followed. The afternoon class period went quickly. I feel like that talk I had with Samu brought us right back to where we left off. Well right back minus the huge crush I had on him. Instead of staring at me during breaks, he filled the time messing around and playing tic tac toe. I finally had a friend. "How come you never let me win?"

O: How come you aren't better? I thought smart people were supposed to be good at this.

"You're annoying."

O: Maybe, but you're a loser because that makes five straight wins for me.

"Oh whatever." When class ended, I picked up my stuff to leave and saw Samu waiting for me. "You really didn't have to."

O: How else could I make sure you held up your end of the bargain.

"I never said I would go."

O: You never said you wouldn't, so come on.

Osamu grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the gym. "Samu *giggle* Samu *giggle* Hello, earth to Samu. You can't just take me wherever you want. That's kidnapping."

O: It's not if you know where you're going.

"I don't know if that's legally correct."

O: We're almost there. Be a good sport.

"Wait hold! I think that's Mia."

Osamu stopped abruptly, which caused me to run into him. "Hey! Don't stop short without any warning."

O: You're the one who told me to hold on.

M: Samu? (P/N)? What are you two doing together? And where are you two going?

O: Practice/ (P/N): Jail

M: Do I even want to know?

"Samu's kidnapping me."

*smirk* M: Samu?

O: I already told you it's not kidnapping if you know where you're going.

M: I'm pretty sure that won't hold up in court.

"Thank you!"

M: You two sure are cozy. Does this mean your friends again and that you'll stop avoiding me?

"I wasn't avoiding you, I was on lockdown, I actually still am."

M: I call bullshit.

O: She's not lying. She's been hanging out at practice to try and get it back.

"Mia, Mia, Mia, you sure aren't that same shy little girl you used to be."

M: You're right. But that's what happens when your only friend moves away and you grow some talent.

O: Hey I was around.

"You don't count Samu."

O: Rude

"Mia, guess I'll finally get to see that talent of yours in action with my own two eyes. Make sure you text me when you have a game."

M: Is that some kind of joke? I thought you didn't have one.

"Yeah...., BUT I'LL GET ONE SOON!" Mia chuckled and ruffled my hair.

M: As single minded as always.

O: You get your new phone tomorrow right?

"Yup. My mom says it should arrive at my house by midnight."

O: Why so late?

"I don't know, maybe she sent it by special carrier or something."

M: I didn't think mail came in that late.

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