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A: Just making sure you're safe.

"You're being creepy. Stalking someone is a crime. If you don't leave I'm calling the police."

A: Yeah? With what phone?

... HUH! He's right!

A: Besides, it's not stalking. Let's call it hmmm, I know! Protecting my invested interests.

"That is not how the law works. I'm not sure if you and Samu skip civics, but you don't get to just make it up as you go along."

A: If you get lost, or sick, or hurt or kidnapped then my chances of going Pro and to the U-19 decrease. All that crap you were spilling in the gym, it worked. I'm not sure how, but I felt it. I felt more in control, which means I can't afford for you to slip up.

"Okay, that's not how this works. Did you forget? I'M in charge of YOU, not the other way around. YOU follow what I say and I say GO AWAY. We just spent a whole hour together and I'd like to spend the next 23 forgetting about it."

A: I'm sure it wasn't that horrible. I know a ton of girls that would've killed to be in your shoes.


A: Why are you being such a downer? We had fun.

"You had fun, I sat on the floor."

A: You could've played too.

"You know what, yup, sure. Believe what you want. Whatever will get this conversation to end."

A: You know what would really get it to end? If we started walking to your house.

"If we walk, you don't make a sound. Zip, zlitch, zero."

A: Understood.


A: We didn't start walking yet.

I wonder how much trouble I would get in for murdering him. I could claim self defense. Maybe say he was stalking me, bullying me at school, I don't know if anyone would fall for that. Maybe if I-

A: Hey (P/N)

"What part of 'don't make a sound' don't you understand?"

A: Yeah, yeah, yeah, after I'm done. I have a question.

"Don't you always."

A: How did you get so good at listening?

"Well if you shut up for once in your life, you'd be able to practice. Don't know if you know this, but you have to be quiet in order to listen."


The quicker I answer, the quicker he shuts up. You can do this. Deep breaths. "My grandpa made me do it alot. He was a setter so by the time I went into my first official game it was second nature."

A: Are you going to tell me what the point of that was?

"Do you remember what it was like when you started learning volleyball and what it was like to learn to set?"

A: Ofcourse I do.

"No, you don't. You're talented that much is true, but the solid foundation that was built when you learned it, it's crumbling and it's my job to rebuild it."

A: Can't we just skip past that.

"You can't build something new on top of a weak foundation or else it just collapses. It's important to go back to the basics, it provides perspective."

WE NEED MEMORIES (HAIKYUU MIYA TWINS FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now