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Okay, well, then that was it. That was the end of whatever I had going on with Samu. While I was all unsure, Mia knew, she was certain. She loved him and I loved her enough to stop this before it happened. I loved him enough to give up on exploring these feelings before they became a burden on him or our friendship. So, that was it. If it meant hurting Mia, if it meant making Samu's life harder, it didn't matter. The kiss was just a kiss, it meant nothing. Loving Samu, it'd be selfish. I'll be leaving anyway so, it really didn't matter. Long-distance, it took a toll on Kuroo and our relationship. It sucked, but in my heart, deep down in my core, I knew that Samu wasn't Kuroo. If we did this..maybe it could work. NO, STOP IT. MIA, REMEMBER. This was for the best. Either way, it's not important because nothing would come from was for the best.

To: Mia

From: (P/N)


Time to get up and face the world. I'll admit it, giving Samu up hurt, but if we're being honest you can't give up something you never had. Seeing him at breakfast confirmed it. He looked so indifferent, he looked like he didn't care, like last night never happened, or rather it didn't matter. Wait, doesn't he always look like that? I'm going insane. WAIT... Maybe...maybe that's why he didn't care that I was leaving. Maybe that's why he was so cool with it. (P/N), STOP! ALL THESE FEELINGS ARE MESSING WITH YOUR HEAD! It's Samu. He was probably just being supportive because he didn't want to make you feel bad. WHAT DO YOU EXPECT HIM TO DO, RUN UP AND KISS YOU? COME ON (P/N). He probably hasn't even noticed you yet because if he would have, he would've said hi. Logic man.

Kita: Hey.

"Hey." I gave Kita a small smile, but he saw right through it like he always did.

Kita: You okay?

"Yeah, sorry. I was just thinking about something."

Kita: You mean spiraling.

"Not right now Kita."

Kita: Okay, I won't push it further. Just know, I'm here if you want to talk.

"Thanks, Kita." I'll just keep busy and pretend like nothing happened. I sat down near a rambunctious Gin and annoyed Suna. I wasn't really in the mood to talk, so I listened. Samu and Atsumu came to join us, but Atsumu was in one of his moods. Samu gave me a smile the second our eyes connected. You see, Normal, oh right, you gotta act normal too, remember. I gave him a small smile back a little unsure if it looked normal.

A: Why so bummed (P/N)? Something wrong?

"Oh, nothing. I was just thinking."
A: About what? Leaving?

"No. Why would you say that?"

A: You're not lying are you?

"Why would I lie about -"


G: Woah chill out Atsumu. She's just nervous about the game.


G: She's still a part of the team and she cares about us.


"I do."

O: Atsumu

S: That's enough.

"Is everything alright?"

A: I've got to go. Later.

"Is he okay? He's not normally one to skip a meal."

G: Must be those pre-game nerves. He's just getting in the zone.

S: Don't do anything stupid.

I got up and picked up an apple. "Like follow him?"

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