Chapter 11: BEGIN AGAIN

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It's been two weeks since Kuroo and I split. Things have been... underwhelming? I go to school and everything looks the same. The sun's still shining, the birds are still chirping, and yet something feels off? Stupid things the boys did that used to make me smile don't do that anymore. Eating lunch with them turned into a chore so I just spent my time on the roof again. Going to practice made me sad, so I didn't do that either. When my dad threatened to take my phone away, I just handed it over.


"I've got nobody to call regardless. Can you just give it back when mom calls? "

D: What about Kenma?

"I'll message him on Animal Crossing."

D: And Mia?

"I'll see her at school."

D: Tetsuro?

"What about him?"

D: If he calls-

"He won't."

D: I understand now.

My dad walked over and wrapped me in his arms. "Uhhhh what are you doing?" He didn't say anything, instead, he stood there and rubbed my back. It was such a small jester, we were fighting, but for some reason it made my eyes start to water. "Daddy?"

D: Shhhhh, it's okay Princess. I already know, let it out.

"Let what out? I'm fine. Things end, that was yesterday, today is today. I have to move on. We don't need memories, remember!"

D: Maybe that's my fault... I've made you so strong that you forgot that you didn't need to be all the time. It's to cry (F/N). It's okay to scream. It's okay to be upset.

"I don't want to. Not for him." But the tears kept falling one by one.

D: I know.

"I broke up with him. Why should I be upset?"

D: Because Princess, he occupied a space in your heart for a long time. Your heart is starting to realize that he can't do that anymore.

I buried my face into my dad's chest and sobbed. It hurt. It hurt so much, but I didn't want it to. I wanted to be okay for me, for Kuroo, for everyone. I wanted to keep it together, but I couldn't. "How do I make it stop?"

D: Take it day by day. Just wait and see Princess, time will fix it all. Little by little the pain will vanish. Soon it'll hurt a little less until one day it'll stop hurting all together. Then you'll see that the memories that used to make you sad will make you laugh and the things that reminded you of him are just things. It's okay to be sad Princess, because at the end of the day, whether it was your decision or not you lost your friend, someone you spent time with, and someone you loved. So let it all out, Daddy's here to pick up the pieces.

And so I did. I cried because I lost the love of my life, I cried because I had lost one of my best friends and my support system, I cried because I lost volleyball and I was forced to move back here. I cried because I had wanted to go back home to Tokyo with Mom, Kenma, and Gramps. I cried and cried until there was nothing left to cry about and then when I finished I cried again because I had finally exploded. "Daddy, I'm sorry...for everything."

D: Me too Sweetie. Me too.


At least one good thing came from that breakup, after that night my dad and I went back to normal. I think he was just happy that I was processing things. He ultimately made me go back to practice, but this time it was because he wanted me to have a distraction. Private practice with Atsumu was quiet. He didn't say anything, but neither did I. I did some exercises, he copied them and then after an hour, we both went home. It didn't really matter, nothing really mattered. What's the point of anything if eventually, it all ended. It seems like my literature teacher had the answer for me.

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