Chapter 10: I'M SORRY

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"Because I had them do stretches."

D: What?

"I thought their muscles might've gotten cold, so I had them stretch while I described the game plan."

D: And just what is that plan?

"We're having a team game for the last hour of practice to put everything together. Every set we rotate, but those on the bench can work on ball control exercises while they watch."

D: And Atsumu, why is he yelling at you?

"He was having a bad day and needed to blow off some steam."

D: What is your next step with him?

"That's your decision sir."

D: Very well, Atsumu, go home.


D: You're in no position to play if you can't bother to control your emotions. Come back tomorrow Monday with a clear mind.

After Atsumu walked out, practice proceeded like normal. No one mentioned the incident or what he said until Samu, Tetsu and I started walking home.

O: Why did you do it?

"I wasn't going to let Kita get punished for Atsumu's rage issues. I don't know what his problem is, but I'm no longer going to try and figure it out."

O: So private practice with him?

"Over. I'm talking to my Dad when I get home."

O: And your position as manager?

"To be determined, but I'll probably have to keep that."

O: Alright, I better go do some damage control.

"I'm sorry you have to clean up his mess again."

O: I should've swallowed him in the womb. I'm paying for my own mistakes.


O: Yeah?

"Just make sure you don't go too hard on him. There's something going on. Make sure he's okay."

O: Later.

"Later." Samu left leaving me and Testu to walk home. He hadn't said anything not since Atsumu said what he said. I bumped his side trying to lighten the mood. "Hey. What's going on in that big beautiful brain of yours? You're not normally this quiet."

K: If I try to talk to you right now I'll get mad.

"Well if you keep it in you're going to get mader. So out with it."

K: He disrespected you. He shamed you and I know he triggered you. I've only seen you cry a couple times, but when he said those words I knew you were going to cry. My first instance was to bash his face in, but stopped and then you protected him. What the hell?

"I was protecting Kita."

K: Do you really believe that?


Osamu stopped at his bedroom and sighed. When he walked in to see his brother lying on the bottom bunk glaring up into space. Osamu felt bad, but he didn't know why. Tsumu deserved this. Osamu had warned him not to self destruct and yet he did it anyway. He had told Tsumu to relax and he did the opposite. So why the hell was he stuck here cleaning up this mess? Osamu took his backpack and threw it at his brother who then jerked up and hit his head against the top bunk.


O: Out with it, what's your problem?

A: I don't have a problem.

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