Chapter 16: JUST FRIENDS

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Y: Yaow zah, what's with all yelling Lil Setter Soul.

"Yamamoto, pleaaaase not that nickname again."

Y: We're getting the band back together! Just like old times, no way the grade eight name dies tonight.

"I'm gonna need a Yaku kick."

Yaku: I'm on it!

Y: Hold up, hold up. Hold up. Is there a reason you're staring at me Snake Eyes?

S: Is there a reason your arm is on our Assistant Coach, Dimwit?

Kita: Let's all just relax. Kuroo, would you mind reeling him in?

"Yaku kick?"

Kita: Without attracting too much attention to us?

"No kick." Kita placed his hand on top of my head and gave me a soft smile.

Kita: No kick (F/N)


"Touch me you die."

Y/F: No fair!

"Atsumu, down." Atsumu was making faces, Suna stared at the two with a look of disgust and Samu held a blank expression.

K: How about we depress for right now? Sound good, Kita?

Kita: Sounds good. (P/N), you leaving with them?

"Yeah. I'm gonna go change real quick. Can you guys wait ten minutes?"

Y: Yeah, Yeah, yeah.

I punched Yamamoto's head then and let the rage out through gritted teeth. "I wasn't asking you dimwit! I was asking the collective." I gave Kita a sweet smile, but he returned a smirk of his own. "I'm behaving."

Kita: I didn't say anything.


K: You have yet to teach me how to do that.

A: Kita's got a power, no one can understand.

K: He must if he can keep you two in line without a Yaku.

"Aran's their Yaku, but think more anxiety, less physical assaults. Kita is their Kia, but think more domineering, less smiles. And Suna is their Fukunaga, but more cell phones, less water."


*O: What's that supposed to mean?

*A: Beats me.

*S: And we're the "country folk."

Kita: We'll be taking our leave, we'll give you guys some privacy.

*mumbles*A: It's a free hotel, why do we have to leave? We were here first.

"Bye Kita-senpai! Later guys!"

A: nmemenmenme *Fake girl voice* Bye Kita-senpai! Later guys!

As Kita dragged Atsumu away, the other second years followed, but after about two steps up the stairs. Suna had "forgotten his bag" and his friends the Miya Twins would help him get it.

Kita: If I find out you ruined her night, there will be a punishment involved. Osamu, you're in charge of keeping Suna and Atsumu out of trouble; Suna, you're in charge of keeping the twins out of trouble.

S: Sure, give me the difficult job.

A: What am I in charge of?

Kita: Keeping yourself out of trouble. Get back in time for the team meeting.

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