Chapter 19: OSAMU'S ENDING

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"Okay. I'll make sure to give it a read."

Ms. Nakamura: I'm going to get some coffee and I think I have to.. take a call. Would you mind holding down the fort for me?

"Of course Ms. Nakamura." The wink she gave me, didn't escape me as I looked down at the letter in my hand.


Ms. Nakamura: I want you to sit in a quiet place and think about all things you'll miss when it turns out forever isn't quite as long as you thought


This means that whoever this person is... I'm what they'll miss when forever comes to an end. Someone would miss me. Please don't be him, please be anyone, but him. There it was... at the top of the paper written in his neat handwriting, the name that I feared, yet wanted most in the world, Osamu Miya. Could I read this, his personal thoughts? I shouldn't, but...I know... these are all things he probably wanted to say, but couldn't. Okay... here goes nothing.

You asked me a question in class. You asked me if sitting next to (P/N) every day would be repetitive and tiring. I never got the chance to answer, so the question replayed in my head. When I sat in a quiet place and thunk about all the things that I would miss when forever ended, that question was the only thing I could hear.

Forever seems like a long time, but what I learned through this exercise is that forever isn't enough time. The answer to both your questions Ms. Nakamura is this:

if I had to sit in that seat every day, I don't think I would mind, because she'd be there. No matter how repetitive it may be, coming to school and sitting next to (P/N) every day is the thing that I will miss most.

I've never been very good with words, but with her, I don't need to be. She understands me and I understand her. We've been friends for a long time, but I think that I've always loved her. When I really think about it, this assignment was a simple one. About ninety percent of the time, when the quiet starts or my mind begins to wander, my thoughts drift to her. She's always in my head, but I guess that'll have to change because she's leaving. Forever is coming to an end, but I'm happy for her. I'm happy that she'll be happy, I'm happy that she'll be surrounded by all the people that love her. I'm happy that she'll be home, and all the same, I'll miss her.

I'll miss her laugh and I'll miss her smile. I'll miss the way she calls me Samu and the way that she's always bringing me snacks. I'll miss the way she'll look when she's lost in space, I'll miss all the words she'd say without ever having to say them, but most of all, I'll miss the way that she'll tell me all about her day. Every day with her is a new day. Sitting next to her, being around her, hearing her say good morning, she makes those things so special, because she's special.

She's quick to anger and quick to laugh. She's smart, pensive, and stubborn. She hates pinks and purples and gets enraged at the thought of anyone upsetting her family or her friends. She is good, deep down in her core, but she is too selfless. It's kind of annoying. She also lies, but not the Tsumu does. When she lies, I know that she does it for me, for her family, for anyone, as long as it makes them hurt a little less, even if it makes her life difficult. She's hard on herself, and I know that things are hard, but she's so broken that she won't ask for help. And then when someone tries to help, she's even worse at accepting it.

She's so organized on paper, but in reality, she's a mess. She's kind of like fresh onigiri, normal on the outside, but on the inside, an intense one-of-a-kind flavor depending on the day. I know when it goes quiet, underneath the facade, she's lonely. I can see it, when she's looking out into space, I can see how much pain she's in, how sad she really feels, how conflicted. But when she comes back to reality because she realizes I'm staring, she'll smile and bury the pain, deep in the rice, like it was never there, to begin with. She thinks that she's imperfect, but she's wrong. That side of her that only I get to see, that only I get to cherish, the one she hides for no reason, it's a part of her. Both that side and the one she shows the world, they're both perfect, she's perfect, just as she is.

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