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When did this roof become my safe place? I guess feeling the wind in my face relaxed me. I needed that. It's been a month since I last cried over Kuroo. I guess I buried all my feelings about him deep enough that I didn't have to think about it. A couple wins here and a couple wins there... I started to forget, but to know that I never had to lose him...Okay let's calm down. Think about what Kita said. I can't blame Atsumu for my breakup. If something as simple as a jealous Atsumu can break us up it probably wasn't that strong of a relationship to begin with. "Okay, here's the game plan, we are going to calm down, then find Atsumu and apologize."

O: I think that's a crap plan.


O: Hey

"Hey..." There was a silence sitting between us as we both looked straight ahead at the setting sun. Both a little unsure of what to say.

O: Why are you going to apologize to him? You did nothing wrong.

"Because I'm putting the blame where it doesn't belong."

O: What do you mean?

"Was it his fault that we broke up? Kind of, but if it wasn't him it would've been someone or something else. Kita was right. Our relationship wasn't very strong if it only took Atsumu one practice to break it."

O: I'm sorry about your breakup. I didn't know...

"It's okay. It's been a while. I guess today just opened up the hurt and made me remember. *smiles* I guess that's what I get for not healing properly."

O: So that night on the swing....


O: Why didn't you tell me?

"Because...every time I'm sad you're there. And I appreciate it, but the thing is Kuroo left because I always leaned on him and ...I don't want you to leave just yet. I just got you back, I'm a big girl, I can fix myself, there's no need to worry."

O: Yeah, you are. But here's the real thing, Kuroo's a piece of crap. I don't know how they do things in Tokyo, but in Hyogo we let our friends lean on us. So if something makes you upset, talk to me. I'm not going anywhere, not unless you want me to.

I looked over to see that Osamu was still watching the sunset. "Thank you Samu. You always know just what to say."

O: (P/N), about Atsumu,

"Don't apologize for him. Like I said. I overreacted, it's fine."

O: Are you sure?

"Yeah. I promise."

O: I don't want you to apologize, but if it's something you really want to do make sure to wait. Make him sweat a little. Maybe the good for nothing will finally learn his lesson.

*chuckles* "Will do." Even though Osamu pretended to hate his brother he seemed relieved to know that everything was okay. As I looked out at the blue and yellow merge I couldn't help but smile. "You know what Mia used to say about you two."

O: What?

"I think they're twins for a reason. Tsumu always makes you cry, but it's okay because Samu is always there to make you smile. While I don't like the idea of you cleaning up his mess, I'm really happy you do. She was right. You are really are always here *giggle* It's no wonder I had a crush on you when we were kids."


A little laugh left my lips after seeing Osamu's shocked face, but it only grew bigger seeing him clear his throat and trying to act like his cool, apathetic self. A small blush grazed his cheeks as he turned to watch the sun set again.

WE NEED MEMORIES (HAIKYUU MIYA TWINS FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now