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Hi-ya folks! My name is (Y/N) Kurosu, but my friends call (P/N)! I'm sixteen now and I have a lot to be thankful for! It's been some time since we've been able to talk. But it's okay! Let's catch you up! I've still got my mom and my dad, but they're separated now. They're.....what's the word I'm looking for... friendly? No.......civil. Yeah, they're civil. After grandpa heard about the divorce, he was furious, but things sure lightened up after I told him I had taken up volleyball. "At least that good for nothing father of yours taught you something useful." That's what he said! Speaking of my good for nothing father, he's been doing well! I don't get to see him very often because of school and his work schedule, but every other holiday Dad meets with me in Tokyo or Hyogo and he brings along Spark Plug! Spark Plug isn't a puppy anymore and I couldn't bring him with because of Grandpa's cats, but I missed him nonetheless. Sometimes mom would get a little home sick so we'd go back and stay at Grandma Kita's Inn for a week. Shinsuke grew up, but that quiet kid is now a quiet stick in the mud teen. Still super fun to mess, still a constant surprise.

When I'm back home in Hyogo, I get to see Mia and Aran. Get this, that height that Aran hated so much when he was younger actually came in handy. He's one of the top ranked Ace's in the nation now. Mia grew up too, and she's still playing volleyball! As for me I've taken a step back from it. It's not that Nekoma Junior High's team wasn't good, it was really good, especially with me on it, but the doctor specifically said "lose the sport or lose your knee", so the choice wasn't a difficult one. I didn't mind much. I loved volleyball and I guess you could say I was kind of good at it, best setter award three times running baby, but the way I saw it, it was just something to do with my friends after school. I did it because it was fun, not because I needed to win or wanted any recognition. So naturally when I retired everyone expected me to go crying and screaming. It's kind of funny, my friends and my parents were the ones who went crying and screaming, and by parents I mean Dad and Gramps. I was a little sad about it, but it was my fault. I played through the pain and ignored the warnings, so instead of crying I plastered on a smile and pushed right on through. Crying would only make things harder on everyone. It'd make them feel bad and that's the last thing I wanted. It's not something I do anymore either, because just like Dad says: "There's no point in crying. What's done is done, pick up and move on. We don't need memories." I'm pretty sure he stole that from his team or a speech he gave them, but it stuck so here we are.

Speaking of friends I still don't have any siblings, because neither of my parents can keep a stable relationship; but I do have a best friend! I adopted him like I did Mia, but this time it was through a game! My best friend's name you ask? Kenma Kozume, my favorite little gamer. He's an adorable little thing except these days he's looking more and more like a bowl of pudding. His hair is a floppy blonde with a center patch of black. He wasn't always a bowl of pudding. I keep telling him to touch up his roots or to change the color completely, but it's that Yamamoto who makes him keep like this so they can match. Any way we met on an online forum during one of my all night Mario Kart tournaments. It wasn't long before Mario Kart turned into Pokemon, Pokemon turned into Super Smash Bros and Super Smash Bros turned into Animal Crossing. When I found out we went to the same school I got to meet him in person and the rest was history.

Speaking of history Kenma had some with his best friend, Tetsuro Kuroo. Tetsuro is Kenma's neighbor, best friend (other than me of course) and my boyfriend. Tetsu's a third year at Nekoma High and currently the captain of Gramp's team, while Kenma is a second year and the team's official setter. I would've been a first year at Nekoma High this year, but Dad finally took a stand. I think it was me quitting volleyball that pushed him over the edge. He wanted to "make sure I was okay" because apparently it wasn't naturally that I hadn't been crying over being forced to quit a sport I'd spent ten years playing. One semester, that's all mom gave him. One semester to see if I was okay, one semester to see if I liked living in Hyogo, one semester to see if I was being raised satisfactory now that his favorite part of me had been removed. So here I was, in bed, trying to figure this whole thing out, trying to figure out how I would be starting my first day at Iniarkazi High tomorrow. When the phone rang I begrudgingly picked it up. It wasn't that I was mad, who could I be mad at? This was my fault, I should've cried once and then gotten over it. It was probably just Mia coming over. She was super excited to hear that I'd be coming back and that we'd be going to the same school together. She had the day off and was supposed to be showing me around the school after I dropped Dad's lunch off. He was in the middle of training camp with his team. "Why did you have to call? You couldn't give me five more minutes in bed?'

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