Chapter 3: DETENTION

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They say time heals all wounds and that even when you're scarred, time will help them fade regardless if they stay forever. We've got three options 1. Pick up and pretend like nothing happened and nurture a new friendship 2. Stand your ground and act confused or 3. Run away. Everyone's watching me so three is out the windows and the more time ticks on, the silence is getting more awkward. I picked up my hand and shook his. "If you're Tsumu... *gets close to his face* then you must be Samu." Osamu made no movements and his face showed no expression.

O: Yo.

Okay, we're doing well. Just keep going. "I see you're both still doing the whole volleyball thing." Force the smile. Hide the hurt. "I'm glad. I'm sorry I don't remember much of what happened back then, but I wouldn't want to interrupt my dad's practice. I'll be going now."

A: You're not going to stay and watch?

"Sorry, I've got other plans. Maybe next time. Later. Mia, let's go." I walked out the gym doors with Mia following close behind me when we were far enough away I was finally able to ask. "You knew... didn't you?"

M: They've become a household name, I'm surprised you didn't.

"So going to the bathroom, was that an act to get me to talk to them?"

M: I thought you didn't remember them?

"What they look like? No, I didn't remember. But their names, what Atsumu said to me, how he reacted when I said goodbye...I could never forget."

M: (P/N), tell me what happened that day. You've never said a word. Samu still doesn't know.

"Samu?? So you're still friends??"

M: With Samu yes, but with Atsumu no. Sometimes I cross paths with him being that he's Samu's brother, but I tend to stay away from him. He changed when you left. He's cocky and condescending and he constantly lies. All the girls feed his ego and I'm not about it, so I left.

"I need to go."

M: Where?

"Anywhere, but here."

M: Maybe we should just skip the tour.

"It's probably for the best." Mia and I left. I needed to transfer and I needed to do it now. After walking me home and seeing that I had calmed down Mia left and I called Kuroo. He didn't answer, but after twelve times he finally did.


"Tttttestu". The tears were streaming down my face.

K: Baby, please. Tell me what's wrong. Tell me how I can help you.

"He.. he was there."

K: Who was there Princess?

"Atsumu... the guy who-"

K: I know baby. I know. (P/N), I need you to breathe and tell me exactly what he said to you.


K: And what did you say?

"Nothing just that it was nice to see them again."

K: Good. Keep contact to a minimum and hold still. I'll be there in three and a half hours.

"Tetsu, you can't."

K: Actually I can. There's a train that leaves in about an hour. I have enough time to pack and get to the station.

"Tetsu, you have school tomorrow."

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