Chapter 8: WE'RE ON A TEAM

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K: In the flesh.

A: Who is this guy?

It took me a few seconds to process, but it was true. This wasn't a figment of my imagination. It was really him. "EEEEEEP!" I ran into Tetsuro's arms, backpack and all, as he spun me around.

O: What the hell was that sound?

When Tetsu put me down, he brought his lips to mine and kissed all the bad times away. When he pulled apart, he rested his forehead on mine and let out a chuckle. "Baby."

A: Baby?

O: Boyfriend.

A: Boyfriend?

*smirks* K: Boyfriend. *chuckles and pets head* I missed you too Kid.

"What are you doing here?"

K: I didn't have practice and your mom told me to give you this.

"Wow, for you me? You shouldn't have."

K: What can I say? I'm a giver.

"Well, I don't really need it now that you're here."

A: Did she just giggle? Since when does she giggle?


O: Yeah, but you're not one of them.

A: You said the ones that do, don't have a brain. What's the matter? Lost your mind over some guy?

K: I tend to have that effect on women.

"Yeah, Big Shot?"

K: Oh absolutely, buuut there's only one girl worth losing my mind over.


K: You know it.

*To Osamu* A: That's an animal, right? Not a pair of gloves.

O: Probably, but this guy is a little weird.

I let out a chuckle and hit Tetsuro's chest.

K: I guess you're a close second, though.

A: Ew.

"Yeah, you're number two on my list too."

K: Who's first? Spark Plug?

"Close, Kenma."

K: Ouch.

A: Who's Kenma?

K: One of her best friends back home.

A: Last time I check, I wasn't talking to you, Pretty Boy.


O: Got it.

Osamu punched Atsumu in the head for me and smile. O: You need to listen when she talks.


"For being rude."

A: All I'm saying is that this is home. Some guy you meant in someplace three years ago doesn't get to redefine the word. Besides, since when do you have friends? You're antisocial and violent.


O: Got it.


O: You deserved that one.

K: She tricked you two into being friends with her; she clearly has some tricks.

"And I'm not violent; you're just stupid."


"OR WHAT BENCH WARMER?" Tetsu started putting my hair and I instantly relaxed into him.

WE NEED MEMORIES (HAIKYUU MIYA TWINS FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now