Chapter 5: MOMMY

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It's going to work. It's going to work. When I got inside I picked up our house phone and dialed my moms number.

M: What do you want Norimune?

*giggle* "Mom, it's me."

M: (P/N)! BABY! How are you?

"Good Mommy. I just got back from school. How are you?"

M: Ugh! So busy! I just got home from work and I have so much more to do. They're really slamming me. Wait a minute what do you mean you just got home, it's almost 6PM? DID YOU JOIN A CLUB? EEEEE"

*chuckles* "Kind of. I've been hanging around Dad's practice."

M: You haven't been playing right? Or pushing yourself too hard? You're staying off that knee?

"Mom, slow down. *chuckles* I've been playing with the boys, but I've been keeping track of the pain and making sure I'm not pushing. I'm trying my best to keep the pressure off of it."

M: No jumping.

"Keeping it to a minimum."

M: Good. Can I tell you something?


M: I am so proud of you for making this work. I know starting over isn't your favorite thing to do especially when you don't have your team around you, but it means the world to me that you're giving your dad's idea a chance. You've always been one to put on such a brave face, but volleyball was such a big part of your life that I was a little worried you'd be lost without it. I thought maybe you'd derived your worth from your ability to play volleyball.

"What if I have."

M: Then I'd want to remember that you were my daughter way before you held a volleyball in your hand and that playing volleyball doesn't make you (P/N). I love you the same if not more for giving up something you love to take care of yourself.

"Then it's a good thing I haven't done that because that would be super cheesy."

*chuckles* M: I guess so.Your father tells me that you're adjusting well. You skipped a grade, you have lots of support and I hear your friends with the twins again. Is that true or is that good for nothing piece of garbage lying to save face.

"It's true, I'm technically a second year and that's all because of those two brainiacs back home."

M: Or because of your genius mother. Brains runs in the family.

"This is very true. As far as the twins and Mia, I see them everyday. I'm actually in the same class with the twins and I get to spend a lot of time with Shin-KITA SENPAI. BOOM CAUGHT MYSELF."

M: I'm really happy for you ,*chuckles* Just remember you have a Tetsuro back home so don't go giving either of those twins your heart and that goes for Grandma Kita's grandson as well.

She was proud. She was so proud. I couldn't tell her about Dad. I couldn't be selfish. "Thanks Mom."

M: Is everything alright?

"Yeah. I just... I miss my team back home. I miss you and Gramps and Gramms too. Not to mention-

*sigh* M: Tetsuro

"Well I was going to say Kenma, but yes, that goofball too."

*chuckles*M: He still stops by to say hello. He's a good egg.

"Yeah, he really is."

M: Hey (P/N). Why are you calling me from the home phone?

"Oh, that's actually what I called about *nervous laugh* I kind of broke it. "

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