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Because we both had managed to get a lot of work done before seeing each other, we got to spend the rest of the night goofing off. Tetsu and I showered, SEPARATELY OF COURSE, and watched movies most of the night. While he was in the shower, I made Tetsu his favorite food for dinner, grilled salted mackerel pike. I will forever be confused as to how a boy so hot could have the spirit of a seventy-year-old man. After dinner, we spent some time on the phone with Kenma, then forced him to spend more time with us by playing games online. Before we knew it, it was 3 AM and time to go to bed. That night was one of the happiest I have had in a while. And then morning came. I woke up after feeling Tetsu's lips on mine but refused to open my eyes as I snuggled deeper into his chest. " I told you not to kiss me in the morning. My breath stinks."

K: That's alright.

"Cause yours is smelly too?"

*chuckles* K: Sure, Baby. Now, let's go, it's time to get up and conquer the world.

"I don't want to."

K: I think you do.


K: Come on.

"Absolutely not."

K: We're going to be late.

"Don't care."

K: Babyyyyyy

"Tetsuuuuuu. I don't want to."

K: Don't you want your dad to like your friend Tetsuro?

"Don't you want your girlfriend to be happy?"

K: Yes, but it's 8:15 am and we both know that making her happy before 10 am is impossible.

"Points have been made."

K: Come on Baby. Open those pretty eyes for me.

"Ah, saved by the bell. Can you go get that?"

K: Only if you get up and get dressed.

"Mhmmmmm, no."

K: Guess we'll listen to the doorbell? Oooo and the phone ring. We love a buzzing alarm clock. Then there's the knocking.

"UGGGGGGH. WAIT- WHAT ARE YOU - WAIT - TETSURO-" Before I knew it Tetsuro had picked me up and carried me to the door laughing. "I hate you."

K: I love you too Princess.

A: Isn't this a warm welcome.

O: Yo

"What are you two doing here?"

O: Coach told Kita to make sure you're at practice and Kita sent us.


A: Well good morning to you too Grouchy. I see you're still not a morning person. Not to mention you still haven't outgrown that nasty attitude.

"Last I remember you weren't either. *yawn* What's with the shit-eating grin?"


"Will you stop yelling?"

O: Only if you come to practice.

"You three can go, but I'll pass. Like I told Tetsu, it's not up for negotiation."

A: Hey you, Boyfriend.

"He has a name."

K: It's okay Babe. What's up Samu Jr.?

Both Samu and I snickered off to the side.

A: It's Atsumu and I know you're aware because (P/N) must have told you.

WE NEED MEMORIES (HAIKYUU MIYA TWINS FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now