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Hell, I am in hell, the fiery inferno that is Iniarkazi High. Everyday I would walk to school with Tetsuro and Kenma and everyday I would have to turn off my phone and hand it to my dad. I would sit in class where Osamu would stare at me and then I would sit at lunch on the roof because the one time I decided to sit down next to Mia THE ENTIRE CAFETERIA SWARMED ME TO ASK QUESTIONS ABOUT MY RELATIONSHIP WITH ATSUMU AND PISS ME OFF. Someone in detention overheard what obviously wasn't a real conversation and SPREAD IT TO THE ENTIRE SCHOOL. Now the girls hated me, the boys all stared at me and the boys volleyball team made fun of me for getting shipped with that asshole since they knew the truth. This brings me to the final part of my miserable day, sitting at volleyball practice.

G: Come on, it can't be that bad hanging out with us all the time.

"It's really not! You guys are amazing, but *narrows eye* HIM, evilllll."

*chuckles* G: Still dating our number one setter?

"According to the student body, apparently."

G: It's kind of nice having three setters around. I hope you end up sticking around even after you guys break up.

Gin was a funny one who always seemed to be able to bring a smile to my face. "Oh you think your sooo funny."


G: Guess I'll save my jokes for another time.

"Wipe the smirk and rotate."

G: Ma'am yes ma'am.

S: You shouldn't be smiling at other boys with your boyfriend across the room.

"Hey Suna?" I jumped and spiked the ball at him. "You shouldn't be gossiping with the ball in your face." Practice setting to Suna and helping with his blocks was going well. Eventually we earned a little break and we were able to sit while my Dad had a meeting.

Aran: So how are you enjoying punishment?

"Oh you know me. Loving every second of it."

Aran: And how about being Atsumu's girlfriend.

"That's not funnyyyyyyy." I pushed Aran as he let out a chuckle.

Aran: I don't know, I think it's good for you.

"Then you date him because this has surpassed annoying."

Aran: Have you ever considered that maybe he just wants to be friends in his own messed up way? You remember friends right? Because you're going to need those to survive the next three years here.

"I have friends. I have you and Kita and Gin!"

Aran: And

"And who else? It's not my fault you guys are behind Nekoma. I didn't choose to skip a grade. Kosaku and Michinari are cool, but we don't talk much. And Riseki is cool especially since we're the same age, but we're in different classes, which means we don't get to chat much.

Aran: Mia? She misses you you know.

"I saw her a couple days ago."

Aran: All I'm saying is that you can't live your life counting down the days until volleyball season ends. There will always be another season.

"Well when the warden sets me free I'll have time for friends. Ones that care about things other than volleyball and want me for something more than my set for them."

A: That's not true. When he sets you free you'll be stuck to that phone again.

"Do you hear that Aran, it's a washed up never was."

WE NEED MEMORIES (HAIKYUU MIYA TWINS FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now