Lee Hyunjin's POV
"Dad" he look at me and gesture me to sit. We're here at the balcony and he's drinking some tea
"You'll stay here for a month with your cousin and make sure to show a good performance at SMC, got that?" I nodded
"Don't disappoint me daughter" he stand up and pat my back
"Yes dad" I force a smile
"I'm going back to Busan now" I stand up and bow at him
"Take care dad" he humms and went downstairs. I look down and saw him enter the car together with Jisung and Minsung. Minho started driving and I let out a deep breath.
I went downstairs and smack the back of my cousin's head
"That's hurts asshole!" Soojin whine and rub the area I smacked
"Why did you introduce yourself as my girlfriend!?"
"Don't act as if you didn't use it afterwards as an excuse!" she said and I became silent
"Aish" I slumped down the couch
"And if we're not cousins I will definitely date you" she smiled
"Well I'm lucky that we turned out as cousins" yep we're cousins, we just found out about it this morning
"I was about to ask you out formally you know..." I chuckled and shake my head lightly
"So you really like me?" I asked in a teasing tone
"Yeah" welp I didn't expect that she will say that
"Are you serious Soojin-ah?" she better be kidding
"I'm dead serious Minyoung-unnie" I open and close my mouth like a fish, not knowing what to say after what she said
"You two look great together..."
"What did you say?"
"You and Heejin-ssi look great together" what am I supposed to say?
"Well... Thank you, I guess?" I let out an awkward laugh
"So what's the plan for the day after tomorrow?" she changed the subject
"I don't know. Dad told us to show a great performance so... we should just work 2x harder in Shin Med Center" I shrugged my shoulders
"I can't wait to go back to Busan" she let out a sigh
"Why? You miss Jaehee already? Or maybe Soeun? Monday? Jiyoon? Jihan? Or Zoa?" I really don't know which girl does she likes
"Shut up" she throw the cushion towards me hitting me on the face
"What's for our dinner?" she asks
"I'm craving for some ramen" I answered
"Rock paper scissors whoever loses will cook"
"Rock! Paper! Scissors!"
I grinned and stuck out my tongue. She draw rock while I draw paper
"How annoying" she stand up and went to the kitchen
"Don't burn the kitchen down!" I play with my phone while she cooks
"I'm going somewhere tomorrow" I said as we eat ramen that Soojin cooked
"At Jinsoul's beach, it's Yebin's birthday"
"Do I need to drive you there?" she asked
"It depends. I'll just wake you up if ever I need you to drive me" she humms and we continue eating
"I'll wash the dishes Soo, good night" I smiled at her and she smiled back
"Good night unnie"