Lee Hyunjin's POV
"Arf! Arf!" a dog barks and Jinjin turn to the dog
"Grrrrrr arf! Arf!" she barks back
"Jinjin stop that" Heejin said but Jinjin didn't listen
"Arf! Arf! ARF! ARF! ARF! " Jinjin and the dog are barking at each other and I just watch with a smile. It's all fun until the dog runs towards us and jumped over the fence. Oh my lord it doesn't have a leash
"What the fuck" Heejin cursed and Jinjin naruto runs. I grabbed Heejin's hand and run with her
"GRRRRRR ARF ARF ARF" the dog is mad and chasing us
"Hurry up Heejin" I exclaimed
Why does she run like a kid? Her child can run faster than her smh
"I'm trying okay!?" the dog is already behind us and tried to bit Heejin's leg
"Fuck this" I carried her in a bridal style and run
"RUN FASTER HE'S BEHIND US!" Heejin screamed
"Fuck this" I run faster and Heejin wrapped her arms around my neck so she won't fall.
"Mommys!! Here!!" Jinjin wave her hands at us, she's holding the door of a convenience store
This dog won't stop chasing us shit. I run towards the store and quickly got in. Jinjin closed the door and the cashier is looking at us. Maybe she's thinking that we're crazy...
She suddenly smiles and bow politely so we bowed back. I then realized that I'm still carrying Heejin so I turn to look at her. She's so beautiful...
She looks at me and we just stare at each other. Our faces are so close and hell she's more beautiful close up.
"They look good together right?" we turned to Jinjin and to the cashier girl
"Yeah, they look perfect together. You are their daughter right? You got the looks from your mothers" she said and Jinjin smiled proudly
Heejin and I look at each other then look away quickly. I gently put Heejin down and cleared my throat. Gosh this is so awkward
"Jinjin you like something?" I asked her and she bid goodbye to the cashier before dragging me
"I want this!!!" she said and pointed a fruit juice
"No" we looked at Heejin who's standing behind us
"But why? It's cheap Heej" I said
"That contains a lot of sugar" ohhh
"But mommy..." she gave Heejin that look again
"That won't work this time Kim Hyunhee. The last time you had a lot of sugar you stayed up all night running around the streets" she take Jinjin's hand and we walk outside the store
I saw Heejin shuddered as soon as we exited the store so I grab her hands and held it tightly. I can see in my peripheral vision that's she's looking at me but I don't have the courage to look back so I didn't.
"My feet hurts" Jinjin whines so I pick her up and held Heejin's hand again to keep her warm.
"Do you still want to go to the park Jinjin-ah?" I asks
"Ne!!!" she gave me her bright smile and I can't help but to smile too. This kid is really something...
"Let's go Heejin-ah" I said to her as I look at her straight in the eye