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Lee Hyunjin's POV

"Jinjin-ah are you sure your mom will pick you up?" I asked her as I look outside the window. She sighed and pouts

"I guess she's busy at the company again" omo the baby is sad now. It's already 5PM and we've been waiting here for 2 hours now.

"Tell me where you live and I'll take you home, okay?" she nodded and I pick up her bag. She held my hand and we walk outside the school.

I look down at her and I saw her looking at a kid who's holding a rice cake skewer. I knelt down and level my face to her height

"You're hungry?" she nodded, I cupped her face and pinch her cheeks lightly

"C'mon I'll buy you some food" she smiled widely at me and I chuckled. I stand up and grab her hands. We went to a convenience store and I asked her what she wants.

"Bread!" she said and pointed the croissant. She likes bread too? That's nice. I payed for our food and we eat while walking.

We're just walking side by side while eating our bread and drinking our banana milk.

"Waaaa aeong!" she saw a cat and approach it quickly.

"Jinjin don't touch it!" I said and walk towards her.

"It might bite you" she pouted and we just watch the cat walks away. I like cats but I'm allergic to fur that's why I can't adopt a cat.

"Let's go now?" she nodded and hold my hands. We went to a bus stop and waited for a bus to arrive.

We're inside a bus and I feel Jinjin lean against me. I noticed that she fell asleep so I put her on my lap and let her sleep. I really like kids especially if it's my nephew and Jinjin. We just met but I already know this kid have a place in my heart.

I hear her soft snores and I giggled. I wanna take her home but I don't want to go in jail. That's kidnapping and I'm sure she came from a rich family. Bruh this kid is wearing a gucci shoes, even her hair tie looks expensive.

The bus stopped, I carried Jinjin and got off the bus and started walking towards her house. Luckily she told me her address before falling asleep.

I rubs her back and whispered to her ears.

"We're almost there Jinjin" she humms and adjusted her position. She raised her hand and pointed a huge house.

"That's your house?" she nodded and I walk towards it. I tried putting her down but she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Jinjin you need to put the passcode" she remove one of her around me and I crouch down so she can press the passcode. We heard a sound and the door opened.

"Go inside now" she got down and pulled me inside

"Jinjin I need to go now" I said but she pulled me towards the living room.

"She's my eomma" she said and pointed a picture on the wall. Why do I feel like I'm looking at a mirror?

We do really look a like it's just I'm skinnier and her skin is more pale than mine.

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