Lee Hyunjin's POV
"Thank you for today Min" Soojin said when she pulled over in front of my house
"It's my pleasure Soo" I gave her a smile and open the door. I got off and wave my hands at her. Once her car disappeared from my view, I turn to the gate and open it.
All of our staff are in the front yard and I took a deep breath. They greeted me and of course I greeted them back, I don't want to be rude. The front door opened, I got in and I saw my dad talking to his grandson.
"Auntie!" Minsung run towards me and I crouch down as I open my arms for him. He hugged me and kissed my cheeks.
"I missed you" he pouts and I giggled
"I missed you too Minsung-ah" I mess his hair and smile
"Jinjin-noona and the girls keep asking me where were you but I don't know what to answer to them" Jinjin...
"Minyoung..." I heard my father's voice and I snapped out of my thoughts
"Abeoji" I stand up straight and bow politely
"What's with the sudden formality, daughter?" he chuckled and my relaxed a bit
"Just call me appa"
"A-appa" I look at him. I have so many questions in my mind but I don't wanna ask him 'cause I know he will just lie to me
"How's work at the hospital?" that was his first question
"It's fine dad, the employees there are so friendly" I show him a small smile
"Minho, Jisung bring Minsung upstairs I need to talk to Minyoung in private" my throat became dry when he said that. Minho gave me a look and I just nodded. My hands started shaking when the three got upstairs.
"Take a sit" I obeyed and sat on the couch across him
"Jinjin is the kid you were always with back in Seoul?" I nod my head
"Do you already broken up with that woman?" I stayed silent
"I told you Lee Minyoung she's no good for you" his voice became stern and I hung my head low
"Answer me do you already broken up with that woman?"
"We never dated in the first place appa" a felt a pang in my chest. I thought I'm already over with Heejin but I guess I'm mistaken
"What's her name?"
"Kim Heejin" I stare at my hands as I try to stop it from shaking
"Wha-what did you say?"
"Kim Heejin" I repeated and look at him. It took a while for him to speak again
"Ah I think I heard that name somewhere it's kinda familiar" he said and look away
"Maybe you saw it on the news or in magazines"
"Is she the CEO of Taesung Corp?" I nodded and he blink several times
He's sus what the... We stayed in silent for I think fifteen minutes
"Pack your things Minyoung-ah" what?
"Pack your things, I'm sending you back to Seoul" is he being serious?
"But why?"
"We're building a partnership with Shin Medical Center and they want to see the performance of the heiress of Lee Family so I'm sending you there and you need to bring one doctor with you so you're going back there together with Lee Soojin"
"You're leaving tomorrow" my mouth agape
"Are you serious dad?"
"Yeah so start packing now" I stand up and bow at him before going upstairs
3rd person's POV
"I think it's time for you to know the truth" the old man caress the wedding ring in his hands