3rd person's POV
"Hyunjin-ah are you alright?" they helped Hyunjin to got up
"My head hurts" she mumbles and search something in her pocket. She took out the pill bottle and took one pill out. Hyunjin put the pill in her mouth and swallow it
"Hyunjin-ah" Haseul cup her face and shook her lightly, Hyunjin is sweating hard and she's getting pale
"Hyunjinie" Heejin wipe Hyunjin's sweat and look at her worriedly
"Soojin" she mumbles and Heejin slightly step back
'Right she needs her girlfriend and not me' she smiled bitterly
"Soojin" Hyunjin repeated and the girl search for her phone
"I got it, I got it" Jungeun got her phone and quickly asked for it's password. Hyunjin told her the password and Jungeun unlock it. She scrolls down in Hyunjin's contact and finds Soojin's number.
"It's ringing" Jungeun put the phone in speaker
"What is it unnie?"
"Hey Soojin it's Jungeun. Hyunjin needs you here something happened" they fan Hyunjin as the kids just watch there in confusion of what's happening
"Wait what? Send me the location" Soojin hung up and Jungeun sent her their location
"Hurry up Soojin-ah" Hyunjin whispered
"Minyoung-unnie" Soojin came running catching all of their attentions
"Are you alright?" Hyunjin shook her head lightly
"Shit" Soojin take her first aid kit and hurriedly get Hyunjin's blood pressure
"It's normal"
"What happened to her?" Soojin asked
"She hit her head" it was Chaewon who answered
"Ya I told you to be careful right? Look at you right now---" Hyunjin stopped Soojin's nagging by covering her mouth using her palm
"You know I hate it when you scold me" Soojin removes Hyunjin's hand from her mouth
"Tch do you already drink some medicine?" she asked but in a calm tone
"Yeah but I wanna go home now. My head seriously hurts" Soojin helped her to stand up
"I'm gonna bring you to the hospital" Hyunjin look at her
"Let's just go home, Soojin"
"But unnie---"
"Soojin" Hyunjin said firmly making Soojin sigh
"I'll go now guys" Hyunjin look at her friends
"You should go to hospital Hyun" Vivi said and Hyunjin just smile
"I just some rest and this headache will be gone Kahei"
"Take care okay?" Hyunjin nodded and turn to Heejin who's looking down
"I'm going now Heejin-ah" she pats the girl's head and mess her hair a little
"Let's go"
Soojin got her hands on Hyunjin's waist to support the latter. Heejin's eyes are focused on that hands as she form her hand in a fist. Her jealousy building up but she shake it off
'Why would I be jealous?' she scoffs
'I'm not jealous pfftt' she thought to herself
"If stare can kill Soojin will be on the ground now" she turn to Hyejoo who has a teasing grin
"What do you mean?"
"Don't act like you don't know what I mean unnie" Hyejoo look at Heejin
"I don't know what you mean Hyejoo-yah" she said and went to the rest house
"I'm not jealous" she said to herself
"Yeah never"