The kids dragged Hyunjin back to the Kim's house. Heejin introduce her to the other girls and Hyunjin greeted them politely.
(Let's pretend that's it's not winter in Korea rn)
"Happy Birthday" Hyunjin greeted Chaewon and the latter thanked her as her wife keep staring at her sister's look-a-like
"Is there something wrong Hyejoo-yah?" Chaewon asked her
"I just got this weird feeling inside me" she sighs
"I have this strong feeling that she's Hyunjin-unnie. I know it's ridiculous but still" she sighs again
"You think so too?" Sooyoung appeared and Hyejoo looks at her
"We met and talked yesterday and her attitude is the same with Aeongie's" she said and the two of them thinks
"If she's really Hyunjinie then why is she not introducing herself as Hyunjin, right?" Chaewon interrupted the thought of the two
"Ya ya Hyunjinie has a tattoo right?" Sooyoung asked
"She have three tattoos" Hyejoo said
"One on her nape, one on her left upper back and one on her chest"
"Let's check if she has a tattoo then"
Lee Hyunjin's POV
I'm helping Haseul to grill the meat as the kids play around and swim in the pool.
"I'm sorry about the kids" she said as we're flipping the meats
"Oh no it's fine they're cute" I said and she chuckled
We talked about things and share our information to each other. She's really nice and pretty too. We in the middle of talking when someone grab the back of my shirt.
"Let's swim" oh it's Sooyoung
"Lemme borrow her for a while Seulie" she said to Haseul
"Good talk Haseul!" I said before getting pushed to the swimming pool but I grabbed her wrist so she also falls to the pool
"Why did you do that? I don't have any extra clothes with me" I said as I swim to the corner
"You can swim?" she asks
"Uh yes?" isn't it obvious?
I got out of the swimming pool and the kids suddenly runs to me. Oh my god I'm their target again.
Lord God please help me
They started climbing up to me while their mothers are scolding them.
"Carry me commander" Jinjin said and I pick her up
"Me too!" Yejin shouted and I pick her up too. And there's this ball of sunshine looking at me with her puppy eyes while pouting her lips.
"You can get on Auntie's back Jisoo-yah" I crouch down and she get on my back.
"Hold tightly so you won't fall okay?" I said
"Okay!" she yells right in my ear
My poor eardrums
"AHHHHHH ZABENYAAAAAAA" we turn to Hyewon who's standing on top of a table carrying Yebin with a ketchup on her forehead
"Hyewon no--- put your cousin down!" Vivi-unnie rush to where the two are and get Yebin from Hyewon
These three giggles and told me to walk around so I did. I walk around the pool are while still carrying them and stopping whenever they told me to.
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