Lee Hyunjin's POV
It's afternoon now and Jinjin still have energy. I'm sitting here on the field with Jinsoul, Sooyoung and Gaahei. We're all panting and sweating while the kids are still running and playing around.
I heard a bone cracking sound and turn to Sooyoung-ssi. Hag.
"Commander!" Jinjin called me so I turn to her. She shoot me using her finger gun and I lay on my back pretending to be dead.
She giggles and run towards me. I sat back up and she sat between my legs as she lean her back on me.
"Did you have fun today, Jinjin-ah?" I asked and she nod her head vigorously as she turn her head to me
"Thank you commander" she said and I smile
"You're welcome" I can hear her deep breaths and she's getting pale
"Hyunhee is everything alright?" I turn her around and cup her face
"Just tired" she mumbles and lean on me again. I let her lean onto me and I rub her back.
"What's happening to Jinjin?" Sooyoung-ssi asked
"I'm just tired auntie" Jinjin smiled at her
"Unnie, Hyunhee-yah" we both turn to Heejin
"Unnie????" the three asked
"She's the same age as you Jinsoul-unnie and Sooyoungie-unnie"
"Let's grab a drink next time then" Jinsoul-ssi said
"You live in our neighborhood right?" she asks
"Yeah" I replied and Heejin handed me a corndog
"Thank you" I mumbled before taking a bite and she feeds Hyunhee the cupcake we got from the cupcake eating challenge. We won the game and Jinsoul and Seohyun ended up choking luckily Jungeun is fast enough to make them drink water.
Heejin's POV
"Are you okay baby? You look a little pale" I asked worriedly and cup Jinjin's face.
"Just a little tired mommy" she said and opens her mouth. I continue feeding her the cupcake while she's still sitting on Hyunjin's lap.
"Aww they look like a happy family" I heard Haseul-unnie and I quickly turn my head to them while the woman beside me coughs and pat her chest lightly.
She choke on her corndog oh my god. I grabbed the bottled water I bought and twist the cap open and quickly handed it to her.
She drank it and coughs a little more.
"I'm sorry about that Hyunjin" I said
"It's okay Heejin" she continue eating her corndog
I stand up and throw away the wrappers of the snacks Jinjin ate.
"Why don't you date her?" someone suddenly appear beside me making me jump a little
"Oh my god! You startled me!" I put my hand on my chest and look at the person beside me.
"Sorry about that Heej. Okay I'll repeat my question. Why don't you date her?" she said
"Haseul-unnie" I said and she just raised her eyebrows
"Heej I think Aeongie will be happy to see you smiling and happy again" I look away
"What are you saying unnie? I'm always happy" I said
"When will you stop lying to yourself Heej?" I look at her and our eyes met
"I know all these years you're still not over with Aeongie's death. You're overworking yourself just because you wanted to forget about it just for a while. You gave all of your time to work because every time you go home you will just realize the reality that she's gone" I look up and blink several times to hold back my tears
"Heejin you don't need to keep it all to yourself. We're here for you. Do you even remember the last time you open up to us? It was seven years ago and then you became like this. Heejinie you know that you can always come to us anytime right?" I just nodded my head and she pulled me into a hug
"I'm just here Heejin-ah"