3rd person's POV
There's a long table place on the sand and they're all eating.
"I swear to god... Stop stealing my food for fuck's sake Son Juwon!" Wooyoung grab the younger's ear and pull it.
"Mommy! Wooyoung-noona is hurting me!" the boy wince
"Can you guys stop fighting for every fucking second?" Eunjin snapped at the two making the two shut their mouths.
"Ooof" Yejun laughs at the two but immediately stop when she felt Eunjin's stare.
"Ummm... Guys I have something to say" all of them shut up and look at Jinjin.
"Go ahead Jinjin-ah" Hyunjin put her utensils down and Jinjin fiddles with the hem of her shirt.
"I-I'm gay" she said and the whole table went silent for a moment
"Are we supposed to act surprised or what?" Haneul asked
"I don't know but let's just do it" Hyewon said and the kids gasps
"oooomooo I didn't know about that but I still love you unnie" Jihyo said
"Same here don't worry, Jinjin-unnie I still see you as my unnie" Yejin said and smile widely at Jinjin
"I already know that you're gay but yeah... I'm proud of you" Yebin said
"Oh my fucking god noona! I didn't expect you to be gay" Jungmin said, exaggerating
"But for real! I thought you're sTraIgHt" Jinjin rolled her eyes at her brother and look at her mothers
"Honey ever since you were a fetus we already know that you're gay" Heejin said
"I-I still have something to tell you guys" she said and glance at Hyunie
"What is it, Jinjin-ah?" Hyunjin asked
"I'm dating Hyunie"
"You're what????" Hyunjin stand up, she's a cool mom but she gets protective when it comes to this issue that's why Jinjin is nervous as hell
"You are dating Sooyoung's child?" Jinjin nodded and their heads turn to Seohyun. It's not a secret that the girl really likes Hyunhee ever since they were kids.
"Yes auntie she's dating me" Hyunie held Jinjin's hand and look at her bestfriend, Seohyun who's just eating quietly.
"Seohyunie..." Hyunhee calls the girl which is also her bestfriend. Seohyun lifts her gaze up and look at the couple across her.
"Congrats" she congratulate her bestfriends and shows them a wide smile but no one can see happiness in her eyes.
"Seohyun-ah I'm sorr-" Seohyun cuts Jinjin off
"It's fine" she said but she's not smiling anymore
"It's really fine let's just continue eating" she picks up her utensils again and continue eating without getting her eyes off her food.
"Just... Just give her time" Jungeun said and gave Jinjin and Hyunie a small smile. The two nodded and they all went back to eating.
"I'm crying" Heejin said and look at her eldest being lovey-dovey with her girlfriend.
"That kid better take care of our daughter or else I'm gonna beat her up" Hyunjin said and Heejin slaps her arm. It's almost sunset and the two is standing near the water with Hyunjin standing behind Heejin and her arms around her wife's waist.
"I love you, Heekkie" Hyunjin whispered to Heejin's ears and lightly peck her cheeks
"I love you more"
"No, I love you the most"
"I love you more than you love me"
"Aniya!!" Heejin chuckles and held her wife's arms that's wrapped around her.
"I can remember it all now, baby" Hyunjin whispers and Heejin quickly turn around to face her
"Really?" there's a wide smile plastered all over her face.
"Yeah" Hyunjin answered and press their foreheads together.
"I'm glad Ms Choi told your dad to marry you off to a girl named Kim Hyunjin" they smile at each other
"But it turns out that I'm the cause of her death" she looks down and Heejin pinch her cheeks gently
"It's over already, Hyunjinie... I already forgave you and it's not your fault, okay?" she nodded and they both look at the sun that's slowly going down
"I love you, Kim Heejin"
"I love you too, Kim Hyunjin"
"Let's be together forever, okay?"
Hey guys, thank you all for supporting HEIRESS and DOCTOR LEE until the end. I'm sorry for the grammatical errors. I hope you enjoyed reading the book 1 as well as the book 2. Stay safe! Ily!😺💛