Lee Hyunjin's POV
I'm sleeping but there's a noise coming outside my window. I groaned and cover myself with my thick blanket.
"Hyunjin-ah" my eyebrows furrowed
"Hyunjin-ah open up" who the fuck?
I got up and turn on the lights before pushing my curtains aside. I jump back a little when I saw Sooyoung's face.
"What are you doing here?" I opened my window and she got inside
"Do you have some strawberries here?" she woke me up just to ask if I have strawberries? I'm about to beat this bitch up
"It's 2 in the fucking morning Sooyoung" I glare at her
"Geez don't look at me like that" she push me a little
"Jiwoo is asking for some but the 24/7 mart is out of strawberries. I already went to the other's house but they ran out of it too" she explained making me groan again. I just signalled her to follow me and I go downstairs to the kitchen and open our refrigerator.
"Ah yessss" she quickly grab the plastic of strawberries and hug me
"Thank you so much Hyunjin I owe you this one" she said
"Go now so I can go back to sleep already" I walk her to the front door
"Thank you again Hyun" I nodded and she got in her car. I closed the door and go back upstairs and slumped back to my comfy bed.
"Where did your dads go again?" I asked my nephew who's playing lego on the floor
"Grocery store" he replied and I just lay on the couch
It's afternoon now and I just got down only to found out that my brother and his husband left.
It's boring.....
My phone suddenly rings and it shows Jinsoul's name on the screen. I answered it and put it near my ear.
"Come over" she said
"Why?" I asked
"Heejin and Jinjin is here" I quickly got up
"I'll be there in few" I hung up and look at Minsung
"You're going somewhere auntie?" I nodded
"Do want to come with me or you'll just wait for your parents?" I caress his head
"I'll just wait for them" he smiled
"Are you sure I can leave you alone here?" he nodded
"Just play here okay? Don't plug in any devices and don't go near the stove"
"Aye aye captain"
"Good boy" I kissed his forehead and check myself infont of the mirror
"I'm going now Minsung-ah"
"Take care auntie" he wave his hands
"You too" I got out of the house and quickly cross the road to Jinsoul's house. I press the doorbell and Jinjin opened the door for me.
"Hi" I cup her tiny face and kiss her nose
"Uh I have some problem here Hyunjin-ah" I turn to Jinsoul's direction
"What the fuck?" she's carrying Eunjin who has a slime stuck on her hair
"Don't just stand there and help me before Jungeun and Heejin come back" I take off my shoes and go to them
It's not just slime... It's a large amount of slime
"Have you tried anything?" I asked while Seohyun, Jinjin and Jinsoul are ripping off small parts of the slime.
"Yeah but all of it didn't work" she answered and I just help them removing the slime
"How did this happen?"
"I don't know I'm just here in the living room and she came to me like this"
We heard a sound indicating that the door opened and Jungeun came inside with Heejin. I saw how Jungeun's eyes widened and quickly run to us
"What happened to my daughter?" she asks and Jinsoul look away
"I told you to watch them right? What were you doing when this happened?" Jinsoul's dead
"She's playing games mommy" Seohyun answered and point the TV
"You're dead to me Jung Jinsoul just you wait until I get this thing off my daughter" Jungeun went upstairs and Jinsoul lay on the couch dramatically
I laugh as she silently pray.
"Mommy's gonna sleep on the couch again" Seohyun giggled