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The past two days I've been image training with Anderson. It's not necessarily resting but we only training after meals and until one of us was knocked out. This helps train the mind for different scenarios.

The sweat dripped off our faces, we broke out of our meditation panting. That was a good round but I think I've hit a wall. I don't feel myself getting stronger anymore. I hate to admit it but I've reached my limit. I won't tell anyone that but it's true. The big power levels that are on they're way, I'm not strong enough to beat them but now that there are a lot more of us, it might work. Hopefully.

After our image training session I showered up and flew to the DEO. It was a beautiful day. The sun rays felt amazing on my skin.

When I got there, it was crawling with the other universe's heroes. I finally introduced myself to everyone. I was more focused on my training then introductions.

I'm not good at remembering everyones names but Barry stood out the most. He seemed excited once he started talking to me.

"It's nice to finally meet the Princess of all Saiyans. Your buddy Mon-El told me all about you." He said crossing his arms with a smile.

"Mon-El. That boy really can't keep his mouth shut." I said shaking my head.

His smile turned into a smirk, "I bet I can take both of you down with one move."

I didn't realize Anderson was standing behind me. A smirk appeared on my face, "is that a challenge?"

Before I know it, Speedy grabbed ahold of our tails.

Anderson fell to his knees, paralyzed in pain.

Barry looked at me and his smile faded away. "How come your not on the ground?"

I looked him right in the eye. "It's simple." I escaped his grip and brought him down, slamming him to the ground with my knee on his chest and a fist ready to punch. "Because I don't let something as simple as grabbing my tail be my weakness."

He struggled for a bit then I let him up.

"Well, you knew to go for our tails, how?" I asked crossing my arms.

Anderson got up slowly, he was still a little disoriented and stumbled a bit. He managed to sit in a chair.

Barry straightened himself out. "I read it in a book."

"You read it in a book." I said sarcastically.

"I have visited many universes throughout my days and I came across an earth that didn't have any super heroes or aliens or magic or anything like that. It was all make believe and comic book stuff. Just to be curious I went to a book store to see if I could find a comic book about me. I did but I also found a Japanese manga called Dragonball Z. It's about an alien that was sent to earth when he was a baby."

"Ok. What does that have to do with you knowing that our weakness is our tail." I was confused.

"He was a Saiyan." He said.

A book about saiyans?

"What!?" Anderson was now on his feet. "What's a manga and why do they have information on us."

"Well, it's a Japanese anime in book form. It's not real, it's make believe and it's not about a you. It's about a guy named Goku."

"And in that story it gives you information about our weakness?" Anderson asked.

"Well the tails were only in the story for like a total of like five minutes. They don't have their tails."

Anderson chuckled, "no tail. They must be pretty stupid to have their tails removed. That's where a Saiyan's true potential comes from."

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