I'm Sorry

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They wanted to know about my wife, I haven't talked about her in so long. "She was beautiful. Strong. Caring to everyone. She was my best friend. I could talk to her about anything, we grew up together. Every mission. Ever tournament. She was there, right by my side." A smile ran across my face as I thought about her.

"How did you guys meet?" Monny ask as he put beers and a bottle of tequila on the table.

"Yeah how'd you two meet?" Maggie asked.

"I was five and she was seven. I had just finished up training with my brothers. I was on my way home and guess who smashes right into me."

"No. She ran right into you, like a full on smash." Monny chuckled.

"Yeah. Completely knocked me down and landed on top." I paused. "She was running away from Rasher and his gang." My brows frowned.

"Why was she running?" Alex asked as she took a drink of her beer. 

"She had a kill order on her." I took a shot of tequila.

"A kill order?" Monny asked as he to took a shot.

"Yeah. She was going to be sentences to death." I took another shot.

"Why?" Alex asked.

"She was...different."

"Different how?"

"She was the only one on that planet with colored eyes. Blue green, they would change from the two depending on what she wore or what kind of mood she was in.
Everyone else either had brown or black eyes. The commander in the lower lands considered her an abomination to the Saiyan race. A mutation of the eyes was all the poof he needed to get the lower lands against her. So...the kill order." I took another shot. "They beat her, right in front of me. I couldn't do anything to help. The group of kids were stronger then me so I couldn't do anything. She pleaded for her life but they kept beating her and beating her. I was trying my best to break free but it wasn't till she was still and quite that I snapped. Somehow I broke free and kicked all their asses, I went crazy. I learned how to fly that day, I threw her unconscious body over my shoulder and somehow I was in the air, so I flew her to my home and got her the help she needed. Ever since then she's been a part of the family, she was safe from the kill order but she was still bullied growing up."

"But you didn't see anything wrong with her did you?" Maggie asked.

"No. I didn't. She was just a girl who needed someone. I wanted to be that someone." I paused. "I lost a lot of friends because of that but I don't care."

"So you fell in love with her as a kid?"

"No. It wasn't till I was 14 when I fell in love with her. When we first kissed."

"How did she die?" Monny asked.

"Apparently she had an illness that shut down all her organs. I didn't know till later about the illness, she faked her own death. For a while I thought she died on a mission gone wrong on another planet." I said, not realizing I had tears running down my face.

Mon-El put his arm around my shoulders to comfort me.

"I miss her so much. My son is the only thing I have left of her. I need to find him."

"Wait a second, she was pregnant while she was sick?" Monny looked at me completely confused.

"No. I carried him. She got me pregnant." A small smile appeared on my face as I think of our wedding night.

"How?" Maggie sat up in her seat.

"She used her life energy. Twice. Once while she was still alive, she gave up her life before the illness took her completely. And again at our wedding. Before you ask how, in my universe you can obtain time for good behavior and visit loved ones while your dead. It's super hard to get it, but if you want it bad enough, you find ways. Layla won a tournament for the time, she went up against all the strongest in the north, south and east sides of the universe, that were dead. She beat them all, just to come back and surprise me with a wedding and apparently a son." Again I played with my ring.

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