My Dearest Layla

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I flew back to the DEO after making sure Lena made it to her penthouse. I felt a mixture of emotions as I lay on a cot in the corner. Sadness, a little anger and maybe a little bit guilty. I felt bad that Lena found out the big secret that way. I also felt bad for Kara, I'm sure this is not the way she wanted the moment to go. I also kind of feel the need to talk to someone about it.

The diary. I'll tell my wife. I pull the book out form under my pillow and flipped through the first couple pages. My eyes skimmed through The first few entries.


My Dearest Layla,

A lot has happened since our wedding day. We have a son, Skyler Orion. Oh he's beautiful Layla, he looks just like you. I love him so much. I tell him stories about his other momma and all the fun times we had.

But the unthinkable happened, he was taken from me.


I stopped reading and took a deep breath. I can't believe I let them take my son. Some mother I turned out to be.

My eyes traveled to the next entire.


My Dearest Layla,

So yesterday I got hired at L-Corp. I am Miss Lena Luther's personal bodyguard. You wouldn't believe how much you two look alike. You two could be twins.


I stopped and turned through the next few entires. Entires about music and dancing.

I stopped at a new page. A few deep breaths and I start to write.

My Dearest Layla

Today was a little wild.

I stopped, how am I gonna tell her I feel responsible for what happened. That the scouter was left on the desk. That I forgot to pick it up before leaving. How I feel like its my fault Lena found out like this.

"Oh hey Zen. Your still up."

My train of thought was derailed by Anderson. "Yeah can't really sleep. A lot on my mind."

"Would you like to talk about it?" He asked as he set up his cot on the other side of the room.

"Not really." I said with a half smile.

"Ok. Maybe you'll change your mind when I'm out off the shower." He smiled back and walked out.

I looked back at the page. I realized that I actually don't want to talk about the events that happened tonight.

Layla ran through my mind. My heart began to hurt. It was weird, seeing Lena like that, it hurt. I can't really explain why. Almost like what happened tonight was between Layla and I. I couldn't shake the feeling. I wanted to comfort Lena as if she were Layla. Hold her tight and let her know it's gonna be ok.

My wife's scarf that was usually around my waist was now around my neck. I bring the ends to my nose and inhale Layla's sweet sent. Everything felt right again.

My Dearest Layla,

Today was a little wild. A dilemma between my boss and her girlfriend. But that will be a story for next time.

I miss you so much. I missed your energy, at least back home I know you were there just in different ways. It's like the wind. It's there, you can feel it but you just can't see it.

I miss your smile, that sweet innocent smile. The dimples, those beautiful little holes that appear when your happy. That smile is like the sun. So bright that it brightens up my day. My world.

I miss your eyes, those beautiful ever changing blue green orbs. Oceans I can get lost in. Your bright sun of a smile creates sparkles in those oceans for eyes. The love and care in them.

I miss your sent, vanilla. Earth has vanilla. I bought a thing the earthlings call perfume in a vanilla sent. Although it doesn't fully replicate your sent but it will do. Sometimes when I'm lonely I spray it just to feel close to you.

I miss your touch. The warmth of your body. The way I would rest my head on your chest and fall asleep to the beat of your heart. I love the way you run your fingertips up and down my arm, leaving goosebumps.

I miss your lips. The way you kiss me, nothing can ever compare to that feeling. That feeling of sparks every time our lips touch. It's a cliché to say but when you kiss me you manage to take my breath away ever single time.

But most of all the little things. I miss giving you flowers every week. Cuddling, when you would lay on my chest and I'd run my fingers through your hair. Whispering sweet nothings to you. Kissing you every morning as soon as I open my eye.

I miss everything. I miss you.

I close the diary and return it under my pillow. I smiled. I feel good right now. It felt good to let that out.

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