5 Years Later

139 9 4

Zenara's PoV

My eyes fluttered open. My body was sore but I felt amazing. I swung my legs out of bed and needed to go to the bathroom. As I stretched my body I turned on the shower. Normally I would go through my morning workout before my shower but givin the circumstances I promised no training for the next month.

I dried myself off and looked at my scouter. It was 10:30. Holy shit. I've never slept in this late before. I wiped the steam off the mirror and looked at my reflection. The purple marks on my neck and chest were extremely visible now, they weren't that bad last night before I went to bed.

Once dressed I went back into the bedroom and smiled at the sleeping woman in my bed. She stirred a little but didn't wake up. She was in a deep sleep, I can feel it.

Making my way downstairs I decided on Pancakes, bacon and eggs. We both love pancakes with chocolate chip in them. I'll make a big breakfast for her, for us. We both need our strength back.

Before makes these pancakes I made a triple layer turkey BLT to hold me over. I got things started, about to add some chocolate chip in the batter when a sharp tingle ran throughout my body.

Out of no where I felt an enormous power level headed our way from space. There were 2 energies moving fast. But one was more massive then the other.

I ran upstairs to find my still sleeping wife. To not wake her I wrote a note and left it on the nightstand. I kneeled down in front of her and kissed her lips.

"I'll be back soon. I love you."

I made my way to the balcony and took off back towards National City. Once I was far enough away from my island I boosted my energy and took off faster.

At that moment I felt energies all around me. Kara's, Sam's, Ruby's, J'onn's and Mon-el's. Earths elite warriors.

We landed in the area the scouter predicted they would land. I focused on the 2 unknown energies they're entering the atmosphere. That sharp tingling sensation returned. This is Saiyan energy. How?

"Guys. It's Saiyan energy." I said.

"What the Fuck! How?" Mon-el asked.

"I don't know but we need to be ready. One of the energies is massive."

"Keep you guard up everyone." J'onn said.

The pod landed and I got closer. The doors hissed open and the massive power level ran out the door extremely fast.

"I GOTTA PEE!" They said.

From what I saw of this Saiyan I didn't recognize them or the life force. The second Saiyan was harder to read. They were suppressing their energy.

My ears picked up on a sound I thought I would never hear again. A kind and loving giggle.

She stepped into view, "something's never change."

My breath got caught in my lungs. There is no way. "Mom."

She smiled at me. "Zen."

To be continued...

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