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A week has passed since she found out she has a doppelgänger. To Lena's surprise Zenara came to work everyday. She was quite, really quite. Sometimes it was like Zen wasn't even there. Lena really wanted to know about her, her plante and Layla but she knew not to push on a sensitive subject. So she figured Zenara would talk to her when she's ready.

Meanwhile Lena was intrigued with the scouter, and how it can scan power levels. It was almost like her alien detection device she made years ago.

"Hey Zenara, can I borrow this?" Lena asked holding up the scouter.

The Saiyan pocked her head up from Lena's desk, the alien was mediating in front of it. She nodded her head, "sure. Just don't delete anything."

Just in case Lena downloaded all the settings to her laptop, she wanted to take the device apart. To see what technology was in this Apple Watch looking thing.

Everything transferred smoothly, she went to unplug the scouter but the new photo album was being displayed on her screen. Lena wanted to look away but she couldn't. She smiled at a picture of a young version of the two lovebirds holding each other, Layla kissing Zenara's cheek as Zenara smiled at the camera. She looks so happy.

The next photo was both the girls kissing each other, then one of them both looking at the camera. They look so happy together, it's kinda weird see 'herself ' with someone other than Kara but at the same time it reminds her of how happy she is with the blonde.

She managed to rip her eyes away from the couple and unplugged the scouter. She accidentally pushed a button on her keyboard and it looked like the album skipping a few years. It looks like a party of some sort, it wasn't until Lena saw a picture of Zen with maybe. Walking her down the to what looks like a waiting Layla. There was something hovering over her head, something bright. Looking at it closer, oh my god, it was a halo. I don't get how this works. She thought to herself. Where is she from? What planet? The halo, how? The computer screen went dark so Lena took out her mini tool kit to take apart the device.

Hi my love.

Lena's heart dropped. Zenara's eyes flew open from her meditation.

If your listening to this then that means my plan worked.

Lena was scrambling to try to turn it off.

We're having a baby.

As soon as she heard the word 'baby' she stopped immediately.

This little bundle of joy is my last gift to you. A piece of me will always be in your heart and now this piece will have ten little fingers and toes and will call you mom. I know...

"Se filō, mi principessa." The Saiyan said. Lena turned in her chair, she didn't even see the girl move. The recording stopped. "Its voice activated."

"I'm sorry. I don't know what happened." She paused. "Was that Italian?" Lena asked.

"No. It was the dead language of my people. Layla loved when I spoke to her in the language."

"Really. I don't know what the first part means, but the second part means 'my princess' in Italian."

"How do you know ancient Saiyanese?" Zen asked.

"I don't. But like I said the second part sounds like Italian. On this planet many different languages are spoken." She paused again, "so, what does the first part mean?"

"I love you, my princess." Tears ran down her face.

Zenara finally opened up to Lena and told her all about Layla. By the end of the story Lena was in tears, losing her wife and son must hurt a lot worst then getting hit by Supergirl.

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