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Sam's energy spiked really high. Not normal for a human. The Kryptonian in her is trying to come out.

It doesn't feel threatening but I should still check to see if she's ok. I slipped my battle boots on, ran out the door and followed Sam's energy to her house. My phone began to ring, its Ruby. I knocked on the door a few times. "Ruby! It me, Zen!"

The door swung open and Ruby let me in. "I don't know what's wrong with mom."

I walked into the living room and Sam was standing by the window just staring at nothing. It was like she was in a trance.

"Sam. Sam. Can you hear me?"

She didn't respond. I can feel her two halves fighting for dominance.

"Mom." Ruby said taking her mother's hand in hers. She held on to her tight. "Mom please. Snap out of it."

Sam turned her gaze to Ruby but was still in that trance.


Nothing. Sam's gaze went back to the window.

"Come on Sam. If you can hear me, I need you to take some deep breaths for me. Deep breath in for 3 seconds and out for 3 seconds. Ok. Now deep breath in...and out. In...and out."

She's actually doing it. This is great, she's responding. Her Kryptonian energy was decreasing, which means our Sam is returning to her body and mind.

After a few minutes of deep breathing. Kara, Alex, oh...and Lena, we're now standing by the door. Lena's scouter must have went off.

Ruby let them in and they watched as Sam slowly returned to her body.

"Sam." Lena said walking up to her. She placed a hand on Sam's cheek. "Sam."

"Come on Sam. Wake up." I said hoping that she could still hear me.

Ruby stood next to Kara and Alex, she just watched as Lena and I called out to her mother.

"Is mom gonna be ok?" Ruby ask Alex as she held on to Alex's arm.

Alex looked at me for reassurance. I gave a small nod.

"She'll be fine. She's just coming into her powers in a different way." Alex said as she pulled the kid closer to her.

I watched as Sam finally returned. You can see the life returning in her eyes.

"Sam." Lena said.

Sam was extremely confused. "Lena? Zen?" Her eyes rolled back and her body went limp.

She fell forward and landed in my arms. "I gotcha. Your gonna be ok." I carried her up to her room and tucked her in. I went back down stairs and everyone was worried. "She'll be fine. The mental battle has drained her. What she needs now is rest. Lots of it. I'll stay here and keep an eye on her."

"That's a good idea." Alex said not letting go of the kid.

"Yeah. We have guest rooms you can use." Ruby smiled.

Kara and Lena were glad Sam was ok. And that they feel a lot better knowing I was watching over them.
They stayed for a few minutes just to make sure Ruby didn't need anything one last time before they left.

Ruby lead Alex and I to the kitchen. She offered us food or something to drink but Alex declined and I just took a glass of water. She poured herself a bowl of cereal. She let it sit for a few seconds then mixed it up a few times. The chocolate cereal turning the milk to chocolate milk.

Ruby was the first to break the silence. "If mom is a Kryptonian, why is she just now getting her powers?" She asked.

That's a very good question. I don't know Kryptonians and their ways of power and what not. All I know is that Sam will be very powerful. I can feel it with the small bursts of energy she lets out.

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