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Lena decided to leave work early. "Sam if I leave early you think you can handle it."

"Yeah go. Your the boss." Sam smiled as she looked up from her laptop.

"Ok." Lena paused. "Hey, where's Zen?" As she asked, the saiyan landed on the balcony.

"Where did you go?"

"Sorry. Kara texted me and said it was urgent." The saiyan said walking into the office.

"Urgent? Is it your son?"

"Unfortunately no." Zenara said as her face fell.

"You have a son?" Sam asked, a smile spread across her face.

"Yeah. But he's missing. That's why I'm here on this planet."

Sam's smile faded, "oh. I'm so sorry."

"I'm trying to help her find her son but it's been hard." Lena said not really wanting to bring up all the dead ends she's hit. "If it wasn't your son then what is it?"

Zen handed Lena a tiny box with a ribbon tied around it.

"What is this?"

"I don't know. It's not mine to open." The saiyan said.

Lena opened it and pulled out a key.

"She really wants you to come home Lena." Zen said.

"Yeah she does." She said almost emotionless.

On her drive to her new home Lena's mind was racing. So she turned on Pandora and picked a station, 5 Finger Death Punch. Bobbing her head to the band's song (Wrong Side of Heaven) her mind focused on Kara. She doesn't know how she'll feel once she sees her girlfriend again.

She pulled up to the new craftsman style house. She sat in the car just taking in the curb appeal. The house is beautiful, it had the whole 'white picket fence, dog running in the yard' feel. She loves it.
Lena took a deep breath and stepped out of the car. Here we go. She thought. She pulled out the key and hesitated before opening the door. I love Kara. So why am I so nervous. Again she took a deep breath and stepped inside.

"Kara!" Lena said as she took off her heels. Kara's flats were also by the door. "Kara I'm home!" She said again. Lena found the light switch and flipped it on. That's when she saw basically the entire house filled with roses and rose petals. Red, white, pink, yellow, and any other colors roses come in. "Oh my god." She said in a whisper. "Kara!" She walked around the whole house but couldn't find her girlfriend. She walked into the kitchen for some water. As she took a few drinks she saw a white Pit-bull puppy sitting at the edge of the kitchen just staring at her.

"Oh my god." Lena got on her knees and called the pup over. The pup trotted it's way to her, Lena giggled once she saw the red cape flapping around behind him. "Hi puppy. You are so cute." She petted him and he licked her face with lots of love and puppy breath.

There was a note attached to his collar.

Hi Lena. My name is Krypto. Mommy Kara wants me to tell you she's sorry and she loves you very much. She also wanted me to give you this ring.

Lean looked back at his collar and found a beautiful 3 stone ring. Something was engraved on the inside. It must be in Kryptonese because she didn't recognize the symbols. She glanced back at the note.

Please say 'yes' because I love you and I really want to call you mommy too.

Lena smiled and brought the the pup to her face. "Well buddy can you help me find mommy Kara?" He gave a small bark and trotted away, Lena followed closely behind. Krypto went through a doggy door next to the big sliding glass doors that leads to the backyard. "Where is she Krypto?" He sat on the deck and barked at the sky. Lena's eyes landed on Super Girl hovering in the air.

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