Enter Ice

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The explosion scared the crap out of Sky and I. He held on to the little teddy bear his other mother made him. He looked at me with his blue eyes and I heard another explosion. I opened the door and found the nanny and asked her to watch Skyler. I ran towards the nearest boom were I found aliens I've never really seen before. They were taking children away from their homes, ripping them away from their mothers.

"Hey!!! What the hell are you guys doing." I was getting mad.

"Who do you think you are. Talking to us like that." One said.

"Don't get me angry. You really won't like me when I'm angry."

One laughed and changed right at me, but this alien was to slow. I was easily able to dodge him and I quickly snapped his neck. The others followed but they all went down.

As the children ran back to their parents they thanked me and ran back into their houses. Why are the taking children? I found more aliens and decided to interrogate them.

"Who are you and what do you want?" I asked as I threw one against the wall.

"I work for Lord Ice. I don't have to answer to you."

That's when I grabbed him by the throat and squeezed. "Why are you here and taking children?"

He didn't say anything but that's when it hit me. Ice. Lord Ice, those are the stories that my father told me. He's gonna enslave us, he takes the children and makes them conquer other planets.

Another explosion derailed my train of thought. "No." I whispered. The explosion was at the castle. "Skyler!!" I flew as fast as I could back home. I opened Skyler's bedroom door and found the nanny laying on the floor unconscious. Sky was nowhere to be found. "No. No no! Skyler." I closed my eyes and concentrated on his little energy. The pod station, no there gonna send him away. By the time I got to the station he was already in a pod. He was cooing and kicking his legs happily.

"No! Stop!" But I was too late, the launch button was pressed and he was off. "NO!!!!" My knees gave out and fell to the ground. No. I failed you my son. My mom walked into the station once she realized the pods were taking off without authorization.

"Zenara. What happened?" She asked.

"They took him mom. They took Skyler." I sobbed. 

"No. Who's doing this?"

"It's Ice. He's returned." I got up, "I'm gonna kill him."

"No honey you can't. He stronger than ever. You can't. The only thing you can do is leave." Mom said.

"Leave? I can't leave you guys here to fight off this threat."

"Baby your the next heir to the throne, you need to leave while you can. Follow Skyler's pod and just wait it out." Mom said as she tracked his pod. "Look there it is." She got a pod ready for me with my sons coordinates.

"But mom what about the family?" I asked sobbing.

"We'll be ok. I don't think he knows our family line so he doesn't have to know you exist. Just get my grandson and be safe. When the time comes, I'll send for you." She helped me into the pod.

"Mom. Tell everyone I said I love them. I love you mom."

"I love you too." She kissed my forehead and launched my pod. "Be safe."

I'll find him and bring him home. Ice I will be the one to end you. You may enslave us but if you do anything to hurt my family I will kill you.

I locked on Sky's pod, I exhaled in relief. I'm coming my son. He was about 200 yards away, a little light appeared in front of his pod. What the hell is that? The light grew bigger and Sky got sucked in.

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