Honeymoon Suprise

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The reception was longer then I'd hoped. The music, the dancing, the food and the hand to hand combat mini battles that go on during a Saiyan wedding. I personally love the battles, testing half of my strength, can't embarrass my guests now.

One thing I noticed during my spar was my husband, he stared at me with a crooked smile, just like my love use to. I don't know why, but I can feel a small amount of energy, a presence that I long for still.

"Alright. Can I have everyone's attention." My father said hovering a foot off the ground. "Alright now I know we're moving way to fast here but it's all for a good reason which Zen, you'll find out soon enough. So it's time to send you on your honeymoon."

Come to think of it it's only 3 o'clock, we are moving way to fast. I took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, well what can I do, I'm already married to the guy, might as well do my part as a wife and start a family.


My husband and I boarded the family sized space pod. His kind smile made me feel warm, like I was safe, I was loved. He must've preset coordinates for some planet because all he did was push the launch button and we were off.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

He continued to smile, "its a surprise." Besides our vows that's the only other thing he's said to me. "Get some rest. We should be there in a few hours."

Come to think of it I'm am exhausted, with the early morning training and the wedding I'm starting to feel drained. So I passed out on a small cot.


It was my first week so I was exhausted. I don't know why I thought I was ready to train with my brothers, I don't feel any stronger. My twin Zander grew ten times stronger in the first two days. Maybe I'm not cut out to be a worrier.

My thoughts were cut off by something hard smashing into me.

"I'm so sorry." I heard above me.

I opened my eyes, there, my chocolate orbs met beautiful blue ones. I was stunned, no one on this planet has blue eyes, no saiyan has blue eyes. Everyone either has brown or black.

"Your...your eyes. They're..."

"I know. They're weird." The girl said looking away.

"I was gonna say beautiful."

"I'm Layla." She said helping me up.

"I'm Zen-"

"There she is." Someone interrupted. A group of 7 kids from the elite training class ran up to us.

Layla stood behind me holding on tightly to my arms. "Help me." she whispered.

"I'm sorry princess but you shouldn't be hanging around with the likes of her. She's an abomination. Just look at her eyes. Her parents didn't even want her, she's been living on the streets." Rasher said as he pulled her away from me.

"No please. Leave me alone. I wasn't bothering you. Please!" Layla begged.

Before I knew it the other 6 kids had surrounded them.

"Hey leave her alone!" I yelled.

That's when an attack broke out, they were all beating her. Throw her around like a rag doll. It was clear to me that Layla wasn't a fighter. She didn't even know how to defend herself. I tried pulling some of the kids off but it was no use.

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