The Alliance

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It's been two years sense the mysterious space pod landed on Earth, Alex and the rest of the team brought it to the D.E.O to analyze it but there is no data found in the data base.

"It's been two years and no one has any information on the pod or the one who was in it." Hank was getting frustrated. He doesn't like not know what's in his world, threat or not. Luckily nothing big has happened as in alien threat wise sense Rhea.

Alex and Maggie have sense been married and adopted a little alien girl named Hazel. The little 8 year old lost her parents in a car crash, the only power the little one possesses is invisibility. Hide and seek game are always fun. But she completed the small but beautiful family and she loves her two new moms. Both Alex and Maggie never want her to forget her parents so when she has questions they answer them to the best of there ability. Luckily for them Hank knew her parents pretty well, so every now and then Uncle Hank gets a call in the middle of the night when she can't sleep cause of her mommy and daddy are on her mind.

Kara and Lena are still going strong, it's their two year anniversary and Kara has a surprise for tonight's dinner plans. Tonight she'll tell Lena she's Super Girl and propose to the love of her life. But like most big steps in Kara's life something bigger always gets in the way.

"So I have something to tell you and ask you." Kara said as she finished her dessert.

"Ooo, is it about the paint colors because I think a cool grey would look good in the living area." Lena went on.

Kara just stared at her lovingly, hearing her girlfriend talk about the house plans just filled her heart up with joy. Lena had surprised Kara with a house out on the countryside, away from the city. Only a few more weeks of renovations and the house would be ready.

"Kara. Kara are you listening?"

The blonde was pulled away from her thoughts, "I'm sorry. Your just so beautiful I got lost." She smiled.

"Kara Danvers even after all this time you still know how to make me blush."

Kara smiled again, "Hey well about what I was gonna say. Um-I, how do you feel about Supergirl?"

Lena was taken back by the question, "well her and I work well together. Both her and you were the only ones who gave me a chance when I first moved here. Why? Your not jealous are you?" She asked with a small smile.

"No." She paused. "So you like her?"

"Yes but I love you. If that's what your asking."

Kara smiled, "what if I told you..." her phone rang. It's the D.E.O "Hold on just a quick second. It my sister."

"Oh no go ahead."

"Thanks babe." Kara got up and made her way to here large wall of windows. Lena's eyes followed after Kara, a smile spread across her face. It's her anniversary, she's ready for the late hours of the night.

"Alex. It's my anniversary. What do you want?"

"Kara there are two pods entering the atmosphere right now."

"Ok. So what dose that have to do with me? No, you know what, it's my anniversary, I'm gonna propose to my girlfriend and after that I'm gonna make love to her till the sun comes up. Thank you very much." She whispered angrily. How dear they interrupt. She knows everyone still doesn't trust Lena but she didn't think they would go as far as to interrupt their night.

Kara took a few breaths to collect herself, "sorry about that."

"It's ok. What where you gonna tell me?" Lena asked as she placed a tender kiss on Kara's lips.

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