I Love You

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After Kara and Lena left the hospital both ladies had babies on their minds. They both dreamt of becoming moms one day, although they haven't really discussed it with each other. Lena smiled as she drove home, thinking of starting a family with Kara. And Kara thought the same with Lena.

As they were about to walk in the door Kara scooped Lena up in her arms and carried her through the threshold. "Welcome home Ms. Soon-to-be-Danvers-Luther." Kara said as she planted a kiss on Lena's lips.

"Well. At least I know where you get the strength from." Lena smiled and kissed the blonde.

Kara giggled.

The pup jumped at Kara's legs, he was so happy they were home. The blonde put Lena down but still kept her arm around Lena's waist, she also picked up the pup. "Who's a good boy." Kara cooed. The pup licked her face then wanted 'down'. Kara put him down and giggled as the pup slipped around, trying to run on the hardwood floors. "He's so cute."

Lena just watched Kara with Krypto, a small smile appeared on her lips. "I love you Kara Danvers." She looked at the blonde with so much love in her eyes.

"I love you too Lena Luther." Kara pulled Lena closer and kissed her with all the passion she had stored the whole time they weren't taking. "Will you do something with me?" She said pulling away.

Lena raised a brow as curiosity struck her. "What?" She asked.

Kara smiled and adjusted her glasses. "Fly with me." She said with her hand out.

Lena looked nervous.

"It will be fine. I promise."

Lena smiled and took Kara's hand. Kara started with a small hover, Lena was barely a foot off the ground.

"Don't look down yet." The super said with a small smile.

Lena's heart was racing. She'd been flying before, with Supergirl but that was always rescues, she never been just flying for the fun of it, let alone flying with 'Kara'. It was nerve racking, like sex for the first time.

Kara was now 100 feet in the air. As Lena looked down she gripped Kara's hand tighter. Kara knew she was totally nervous, she smiled and pulled Lena up into her arms. "I won't drop you."

Lena rested her head on Kara's shoulder, "if that ever dose happen, will you catch me?"

Kara was taken aback by Lena's words. But she smiled and kissed Lena's shoulder and whispered in her ear, "I'll always be there to catch you. Always."

Kara brought Lena's lips to hers and a soft kiss was sheared. "I love you so much Lena." She said in a soft tone.

"Out of all the planets your parents could have sent you too, I'm glad they sent you here. To me."

Kara wiped away a few tears that escaped her eyes. They sheared another kiss as Kara continued their elevation. She pulled away. "I'm glad I got stuck in the phantom zone. Let's just say if I wasn't I'd be a lot older then you." She smiled nervously.

"Well then it's like the universe or the gods or whoever, wanted us to be together." Lena kissed her and squeezed her tighter. Hugging her tighter. That's when Kara moved from hugging her to carrying her bridal style.

"Look." Kara said looking out at what was in front of her.

Lena turned and looked. She was speechless. "It's beautiful." She was looking out on National City. All the lights from the building and homes it was beautiful, even from so far away.

They hovered for about 10 minutes.

"Kara I want you to know that I love you I'm marrying Kara Danvers. You being Supergirl is just a bonus."

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