Chapter 16: A Trip to the Past (Part 3): The Orphanage

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I Would like to greet yall a merry happy Christmas! From me to yall! (I would post a GIF I made, but Wattpad simply refuses to because the file is just too large TwT But here's a photo of that said GIF ;w;)

I Would like to greet yall a merry happy Christmas! From me to yall! (I would post a GIF I made, but Wattpad simply refuses to because the file is just too large TwT But here's a photo of that said GIF ;w;)

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Part 3: The Orphanage


"I can't reach him at all..." Nightmare growled as he tries to sustain his frustration. "I must track him. Find him. Otherwise I will have to kiss my reign goodbye." He grunted as he looks at the crowd of Demons. "Wait..." Nightmare remembered something, he knew what type of person Error is, and if Error is trying to make a vaccine, it would take years to perfect the formula. "Hmmm, perhaps I'll just let the humans kill him, it's not like he'll fight them back... I'll just keep an eye out for him." Nightmare grinned as he sits back on his throne. "Let's see what you're trying to accomplish, Error."


Error managed to escape with the surprise help of Ink. He swore to himself that he will one day return and save all of his friends, but he knows that it will take long, especially when it comes to making the vaccine. He admits his own weakness with chemistry, but that doesn't mean that he'll give up now, he has to do and try something, otherwise that escape was just all for nothing, and Error didn't like the idea of being a demon for the rest of his immortal life.

The good thing about Error's escape is that he brought along a lot of lab equipment and supplies, just to get started with the vaccine. "I need to shift my form so that the other humans won't suspect or be frighten of me..." Error muttered to himself as the ash splotches on his flesh started to disintegrate, now revealing his once normal human self. Error took a deep breath and sighed, "Think... positive thoughts... You can't let Nightmare find you..." Error muttered to himself as he feels the radiating light coming from the light crystals that he's also carrying along with him. He studied all of their movements back in the castle, tried to find a single exploit for every demon's weakness, and even a way to not let Nightmare take control of them, thus calling it 'Crystal Therapy'.

"I can't go to luminous cave just yet... I'll die if I'm still a demon in there..." Error thought as he also starts to walk along a path that could lead him to place to stay. "For now, I'll just try to calibrate the methods and try to neutralize the demon essence to try and make the vaccine." He thought as in the corner of his sight, he spots a rather large village in the clearing.

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