Chapter 11: Feelings

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It was the afternoon of a quiet Sunday, and it was a rather peaceful one too. For once, Toriel and Asgore haven't been called out to go for missions, so this was a rather miraculous blessing that there wasn't a mishap going on. And so, the two decided to take a rest and just sit down by the Villa along with the young hunters, Geno and Reaper.

Speaking of, the two were training out in Midshade Forest, and Reaper couldn't even say that it's a gloomy forest for no longer. Geno's little garden of white lilies completely covered up the forest lands in the span of the past five months, and soon the flowers then spread towards the town of Elysia, and the people were overjoyed at the sight of blooming flowers again, it was like bringing back Spring, except it's in November, and even with the weather becoming snowy, the flowers still bloomed under the catastrophe.

Reaper let out a big puff of air, exhaling from the exhaustion. "Let's call it a time out, please? It's freezing out here Reaper!" Geno sighed as she desummons her weapon and hugs herself, little red orbs of light then started to flick around her. "Ahhh, fine~" Reaper teased as he sits down, flopping down onto the plump of snow. "Why would you even train out here? Especially in a weather THIS cold!?" Geno exclaimed, sitting next to Reaper.

Reaper smirked at Geno's little protective role, giving her his reply, but it was more rather of a question than an answer. "Well, why did you come with me if you're just going to complain, huh?" Reaper asked in a cocky tone, getting a pout from Geno. "Lady Toriel told me to keep an eye on you." She muttered as Reaper just chuckled at her reply. "Alright alright... I'll buy... that for now." He said as Geno just playfully rolls her eyes and stands back up on her feet.

"Awww come on, leaving already?" Reaper joked but Geno just let out another pout. "Giving me the cold shoulder?" Reaper joked again as Geno snickered a laugh and then suddenly turns on her heals, with a snowball gripped on her hand. "I'll give ya something cold for sure!" She exclaimed, then immediately throws the snowball at the other, and the impact made Reaper fling his head back, and it made the other laugh hysterically.

"OH- SO WE'RE PLAYING THIS NOW?" Reaper cackled as he wipes off the hard-cold snow off his face, grinning like a mad man at Geno who was now catching her breath from laughing. "O-oh shit! HAHA!" Geno laughed as she turns back and starts to sprint away from the other. "Hey! Get back here now Gen!" Reaper yelled, now taking a huge chunk of snow and throwing them at Geno's direction. A few manage to hit her but she still laughed and ran away from the other.

They did this little snowball fight, until it actually gotten intense, as in Geno used her magic to pile up a ton of snow up in the trees until Reaper finally made it into a clearing with her. "I got you now Gen!" He yelled as he balls his hands to fists, getting ready to launch his snowballs. "Nope! I got you!" she exclaimed with an evil grin, as a huge shadow loomed over the clearing where Reaper was, he looked up and saw the giant pile of snow in the air, making him gulp and quickly turn to Geno. "Oh, you cheating fucker-!" Reaper chuckled as Geno just released her magic, but before the snow would completely fall, Reaper lets go all of his snowballs and summons his scythe, using it to pull Geno with him.

With surprise, Geno was now in Reaper's grip, and Reaper smirked at the other, then the pile of snow completely covered them both.


Reaper's head plopped out of the pile of snow as he gasped for air, and soon, Geno plops back up as well. "I guess it's a draw~" Reaper chuckled at the other, Geno just giggled at the fun they had. "I just had you!" she laughed out as Reaper just laughs along with her, "This was so much fun! I've never felt like this before in my life!" He exclaimed as Geno gave Reaper a heartfelt smile, the two's faces were dusted with light tints of blush. "We can do this more often, but, just not now, it's freezinggggg~" Geno whined at the other as Reaper playfully rolls his eyes.

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