Chapter 20: Ancient Forge

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"In the midst of darkness, light persists..."


"̷̧̢̻͈̭̪̟̖̄̑̐̈̔ͅH̵̢̺̙̼̰̖͉̙̝̩̝̝͖̋̋̒̇́̀̂͐͊̄̒ͅͅë̸̢̨̹̺͇̫̬̬̼͈͉̟̱́͑͊́͜l̵̛̟͙̰̲̞̝̹̱͌͐͂͂̔̊̆̔͌l̸̛̬̗̙̪̽͊͒͒̏̀̎̋̽̄̚͠o̵̧̟̰͖̮̖̹͚͈̘̹̮̮̫̍͑̎̂̔́̈́͂͗̒̓́̅.̸̡̡͈̣̦͚̭̹̪̭͗̓̓̕̕̚͜͠.̸̡̙̳̖͎͚̝̭̑̀̍̇͌̌̾̈́͐̄̕͘͜͜.̴̳͖̿̄̓̒́̔͠ ̷̨͖̝̩̻̯̗̥̱̪͔̹̐P̸̨̖̩̩̮̻̠̱̯̥̹̫̈̓̉͊͒̎̑͜͜͝ř̴͈̼̘̦̂̾́̚i̶̧̢͔̪͎̳̖̻̰̪̩̗̠̣̹̿̿̎̊͝͝͝s̵̨̤̻͚͇͈̠̱̜̤̥̎͐̌̕͝ḿ̶̨̰̤̩̝̠̞̮̻̳̖̺̯̻̥̃̓͋͑̃̿ ̵̥̣͉͖̰͖̳̫̓D̶̻̯͕̼̀̇͆ê̶͉̙̤̞̂̎̉̒͊̉͌́̄̀̇̚ͅl̸̠̗͔̞̦̟͓̈͝t̶̜̖̠̮̬͚̗̭͙̟̏a̵̩͓̹͛̐͐͐͗̓̄͋̍̅͌̕͜͝͝r̵͙̱͇͎̹̹͆̑̊̍̾̍ͅͅừ̴̳̞̀ṇ̶̱́͂̿̓̈́͝ȩ̷͈͐̈́͒̋͆ͅ.̷͙͊̉͝.̷̡̞͓̥̟̎̈̄͌̍̇͐̂͘̕̕̕ͅ.̸̢͖͓͉̝̰͓̗͕͇͎̅́̀͜ͅ"̵̡̥̺͓͓͚͂̂̑́͊͑́̀̈́̓̐̽̚̚ ("Hello... Prism Deltarune...") 

they all spoke simultaneously, everyone gripping their weapons and now in a stance.

"I see you've even participated on this one, huh? Nightmare?" Error mocked with a smirk as the Helluva demons growled, their faces were aggressive, their bodies twitching from the force of control. The storm cloud was still behind, meaning that this was just only the beginning of the battle, it was just a warm up for the hunters, and still an opening show until the Demon King's grand entrance.

"̷̢͇͇̟̲͆L̶̫̯̈͝Ȅ̶̢̻̥͇̣̯̘̐̀͒̐̋͂̈́̕͘̚̚ͅT̶͔͇͔̠͆͗̍̆̈́͗̃̕'̸̼̬̳̬̰͉̆̂̑͊̾̓̈́̓̓̚͝S̵̢̧͓̦͓̠̤̬͓̳͕̒̈́̓̆̆͑͝ ̵̧͖͖͈͔̙̜͓̘̍̍̔̋S̶͉͍̟̫̗͉͍͊̒̃̆͗̂̚Ȩ̶̡̦͇̠̣̪́̈͌̀̽̓̂̓͗̕Ę̸͍̫̤̅̀̍̈̓̅̍̕͠ ̷̧̲̣̥̤̻̣̱̽̀͂͆̑̈̉̕͝H̶̡̪̟̻̋̐̋̎͘͘͝O̸̧̢̮͇̼͎͔̮͆̅W̵̱͎̭̃̋̾͂̀͑̏̾̌ ̷̥̟̤̗͍͓̭̲͇̍L̸̳̦̰̘̺̔̄̑͊̄O̵̢̦̜̫̳̳̰͒̏̀̓̓̋̑̕͝͠N̸̠̥̲̳̤̳̩̬͔͋̐̇̚͜Ġ̵̟̯͇͈͕̥̈̿̓̓̓͝ ̵͍̫͌͆̄̊͌̏Ỹ̶̤͇̭̙̖̬͍͒͐͠Ǫ̴̢̭̙̮̳̳̼̞͇͕̳̏̾͒̉̀U̷̢͚̟͇̞̿̈̀͆̐͆͌͌̿̚'̶̞̜̖̤̩̫͔̮͉͖̱̄̎̉͝L̴̛̛̪̻̘͓̠̃̍́L̶͔̝̜͂͂̒́̕ ̷̢̧̧̩̟̳̟̰̦̱͌̀̅̔L̵̛͚̯͇̭͂̇̿̿͆̊́̀̕͜͝Ą̸̒̍̂̚͝͝S̷̞͎̮̙̞̩͖͂T̴̨̆̀!̵̼̅̉̇̀́͊̏̒͒͝ͅ"̴̡̠̪̜̱̠͎̙̻̞̑͜ ("LET'S SEE HOW LONG YOU'LL LAST!") 

They all spoke in a distorted tone as one by one they launched themselves in the battlefield.

"EVERYONE- IT'S NOW OR NEVER! WE FIGHT! NOW- CHARGE!" Asgore yelled as everyone else starts to attack the Helluva Demons, their fight being sloppy due to the amount of grief demons that are bothering in the fight, but they were still able to pull things off with their strength.

"I need to charge more magic..." Geno muttered as she spins around with her machete like a top, slicing all the shadow and grief demons in her way. "This will be the biggest light blast I'll try to let out." She grunted as Reaper dropped from the air, slicing a huge flock of the flying fear demons. "Let's wipe out the lower level demons, let you have enough magic for that stigmata survey!" Reaper exclaimed as Geno nodded, the two continuing on slashing the demons.


"GODDAMMIT KILLER! I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME!" Cross exclaimed as he blocked Killer's giant claws with his giant knife.

 "̴̙̟̣̞̞͈̼̮̲̗̫͠Į̷̱͚̺̦̃̉͝ͅ ̶̬͖͔̃̎̌̃̔C̸̤̉͗̏̎̊̚̕̕A̴̪̘̪͊̈̈͝N̴̠̩̼̋̔̍̃̾̓̐̕T̴̡̧͍̻͕̫̮̣͚̞̪̹͆̏́ ̵̧̨̡̛̰̗̪̱͈̃̃͗̌ͅͅC̴͍̖͍̬͚̻̞͉͙̳̙̞̒͒̆͛̃͂̈́̀̔R̸̡̛͉͔͍̳̗͂̐̾̿́̾̌̀̈́̾O̵̧͔̩̖͚͌S̴̢̰͙̫̞̦͍̝̠̩̬̋̃̈́̈́ͅS̵̤̞̦͌͊̓̌͊͐͐̍́͠!̴͙̠͑͂̏͒ ̴̏͒ͅN̷̨͎̳͖͚̝̻̼͔̣͕̓̈̆̕͝Ő̶̢̗̪̫͕̲̮̌̅̀͌̃̕͠T̵̨̙͔̣̘̦̯̥͐̒͆̓́̏͂̕̚ ̸̘̄̒̔͜Ľ̸̡̢̰̜͔̙̠̻̲̰̰̺̽͘̚I̶̡̮̤̽̿́̈́̈́Ḱ̷͙̈́̀̔̌Ę̶͈̰̲̝̥̭̮̝̈́̑̓̌̍̕͝ ̸̢̹̠̭͔̼̳̜̻̱̄̿T̴̢̥̫́͗̿̊̐̀̚͘͘͠͝H̶̹͉̮͕́́͗̇Į̴͂͊̽̈́̈͑̓̓̌͠S̸̨̤̱͋̂̽̈́͂̈́̽͐̏͠!̶̢̛̲̞̈́͊́̇̐̓̒"̶̨̠̬̊͗͘ ("I CANT CROSS! NOT LIKE THIS!") 

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