Chapter 12: An Awaited Call

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Regarding Reaper's problem with his feelings for the female hunter, he tries to compose himself and just keeping calm and relax, otherwise it might frighten the other, and make their friendship sink. On the Brightside of it, the two are still friends. Reaper apologized on what came over him that night, though Geno was still concerned about it, she politely accepted his apology, so things for the two went back to normal as it usually was.

~A month ago, in Geno's Perspective

Toriel only called her to ask for a little assistance in the library, gather a few scrolls and journals since the guardians were researching some things. "Geno? Are you alright? You look awfully red." Toriel mentioned as she raised a brow, her voice laced with worry as she puts a hand on Geno's forehead, Geno suddenly snapped out of a trance and Toriel tensed up a bit. "Did you catch Reaper's fever? Your face is awfully hot dear..." Toriel said worryingly as Geno just shakes her head in disagreement. "I'm fine really-! I...I- I just got embarrassed and flustered when I was tutoring him! H-heh..." Geno tried to cover it up as Toriel finally understands somewhat of it and just giggles.

"Oh my~ I shouldn't have called you..." Toriel muttered, making Geno blush even more. "H-huh?! Lady Toriel-!" Geno whines, her face is basically like a tomato. "I'm just kidding dear." Toriel laughed it off as the two continued to pile up some scrolls in the library.

"But you do have something for him, do you not?" Toriel questioned with a gleeful smile, looking at the other who slightly calmed down. Geno sighed and buried down her face in her scarf, feeling a bit embarrassed to admit. "" she replied sheepishly as Toriel just smiled at the younger, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"It's normal to be attracted to someone, but once you're in love, you need to let them know right away, other wise you might never have the chance." Toriel said as Geno locked eyes with the guardian, "But what if-" Geno tried to speak but Toriel immediately shushed the other by putting a finger right by her lip. "Don't you dare give me that question. It's already obvious that he feels the same, you're the only person who can be around him, and hence what just happened tonight." Toriel stated as the blush on Geno's face began to rise back up on her face again.

Geno didn't really have much left to say, so she just stayed quiet. Her stay didn't last too long in the library as Asgore finally arrived and Toriel decided to let the other go do her own things.

~Present Time

So, things were back to normal with the two, and to the Town of Elysia- It was still miraculously peaceful. Not a single demon shenanigan or mishap came around the blue, not even a shadow demon lurked in Midshade Forest that much anymore, it was suspiciously eerie and quiet. Though the townsfolk were glad that not a single catastrophe came around in a month, but of course, everyone, especially the hunters are still in high alert and on guard if ever something happens. There weren't any missions, but there were just patrols and training sessions.

The reports of the patrols were also suspicious, in the past areas where demons usually lurk, the places and dens have been so empty and isolated, as if they weren't there to begin with. Geno and Reaper have been talking to Cross too, telling him about the sudden peace that the country was suddenly blessed with, and even Cross himself doesn't get it, but he had a hunch.

That the Demon King will send a huge swarm soon.

"A Swarm full of Demons?" Geno asked as Cross just shrugged, "No Doubt. This same scenario happened before too, 20 years ago when Error first escaped. The second town of Sperante, Lancelot, that was the town that Error have first taken shelter, the Demon King settled in for a plan to charge an assault in massive numbers to guarantee Error's capture, but in the end, only the town went in ruins, and Error still managed to hide." Cross explained as Geno thought about it for a moment, causing to send shivers down her spine.

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