Chapter 7: Contact

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A/N: All art that are shown are all drawn by me; anyways enjoy the story!





8 hours have passed.



"We have no idea what is going on within your system Geno... After that short test, it seems like there was something inside your blood, it was a rather unfamiliar component that even our doctors don't quite understand, but they had a feeling that maybe it's from a few chemicals that you have dosed on as a child when you were still with your birth father." Toriel explained to Geno who was sitting straight up on her bed, she was alive and well, she doesn't feel any complications.

"We'll try to research more for further notice, I guess this is a sign that there would be a possible way to overcome Sir Death's powers." A doctor said as he writes down a few notes on his clipboard. "We just need to know what it is..." he mumbled as he looks at the people in front of him, Geno, Toriel and Asgore.

"As long as nobody is dead, at least that's an importance." He said with a worried smile as he excuses himself to leave.

Asgore chuckled to himself and looks at Geno, giving her a head pat. "You're really quite something Geno." He said as Geno gave a sympathetic smile and holds both of her hands and place them on her chest, feeling her heartbeat. Yep, she is definitely alive. "If there's a possible vaccine for Reaper's magic, then maybe your Professor was really onto something for a vaccine for demons!" Toriel muttered as Geno stayed silent, until something clicked inside her.

"I... need to see Reaper..." she mumbled as Toriel widened her eyes and gasped. "Oh right! We left him all by himself!" she rushed over as she helps Geno up from her bed. "His room is the last room by this corridor." She pointed as Geno nods and now walks along the halls of the villa.

"I'm sure he's more surprised than I am..." Geno thought to herself, feeling nervous with every step she takes. "I wish I could explain everything... But I just don't know how to explain it..." she muttered, now nearing to the other's door.



8 hours ago...




Reaper jolted and saw a small dart flying towards him, but in a swift motion, he was pinned to the ground to dodge it, but the dart was still able to hit a random student. And that student suddenly started to shake violently, as his flesh started to peer black splotches of ash and spikes. "The dart has demon blood!" Edge yelled as he quickly executes the student before more chaos tend to unfold.

On the other hand, Reaper was also violently shaking as a person was pinning him down. "R-Reaper! You okay?" it was Geno, with force and instinct, Reaper harshly pushed the other away. "GENOCIDE!" Red yelled as he pulled Geno from behind, away from the other, who was looking at Geno in rather disbelief.

"Geno! How do you feel?" Edge quickly went over to them as Reaper starts to back away, more faculty members crowding at the other. "I-I'm fine! I j-just pushed him aside so that he won't get hit by that dart!" she retorted as Red gritted his teeth and took out a Holographic Communicator. "Geno! No one is allowed to make contact with Reaper! If anyone does, they will die!" Edge yelled, grasping Geno by her shoulders as the latter just let out a low growl. "BUT I DID'NT DIE! I'M STILL ALIVE!" she yelled back as the place started to rumble, echoing sounds of footsteps rushed in the cafeteria.

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