Chapter 18: Love in the Dark (LEM🍋N CHAP~)

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a/n: This will be a lemon chapter... yes you heard me... Our ship needs extra more love... If yall wanna skip, that's alright, there will be a '!' to show when the lemon will start and stop :'3

and this is the first and only lemon chapter that anyone is getting! Unless-

ANYWAYS! Enjoy the story~!


And so... time follows... The whole Prism Deltarune, including the other hunters who don't have light powers gathered... The plan was explained in detail to them in a meeting. They were ready to risk their lives if it means that it will put a stop to the cloud of darkness that has been looming them for four decades, it's time for them to change history and become a part of it through a great battle against the demons!

When Red also heard about Error's past, he too was shock that someone like him had the mental stability back then to just fight against the control from the Demon King, it was concerning and worrisome to him to finally know how must frustration and grief he had to push away just to continue on his works, and now Error stands before him, now back to being a normal human being. "I can't believe that you were a demon... And I'm so sorry that you have to endure all that pain inside you Professor." Red said to Error as Error just chuckles at his concern. "It's alright... Besides what's important right now is where we are." Error replied as he puts a hand on Red's shoulder his face curved a sympathetic smile, "Now... putting that sob story aside... It's time for the shot." Error's soft tone turned quickly to a menacing one, taking out his syringe with the vaccine in it, Red flinched as he gulped taking the shot.

Back when Error and Geno were still hiding, and Frisk was still with them, Error managed to pull off the finalized vaccine on a human. He found an injured hunter out by the woods who asked them to end his suffering. "What about... immortality?" Error asked as the hunter chuckled at him, "If only that were possible..." the hunter softly murmured as Error took out his syringe... "Are you sure CQ?" Frisk asked with a worrisome face as Error looked at him, "He longs for death, or immortality, this will be a 50-50 Frisk... I am not willing to force out other people into this anymore..." Error said as he plunges the syringe into the injured hunter... For a short while, the hunter gasped and his eyes widened, "I feel... a lot better..." the hunter spoke as he tries to move, "It feels as if all of my wounds have been healed in an instant!" The hunter exclaimed happily as that was the final conclusion for Error to finally know that the vaccine can also work with normal humans now!

"Geno." Error called out as Geno along with Reaper by her side walked their way to the Professor, "Yes Professor?" Geno asked as Error flicked his hand as a blue holographic screen popped up from his hand. "About that test... It seems your blood is fully infused with more chemicals, correct, but compared to mine, it's more different. Your blood is more gooey and solid, it has a lighter pigment, has white cells in it and also, it somewhat glows? It's complicated for me to explain how this works, since again, I'm not much of the chemistry guy, but the component present in your system allows your wounds to heal quicker than usual, gives your magic a boost and etc..." Error tried to explain as Geno just nodded, "I guess even the Professor doesn't know huh?" Reaper muttered out as Error just grunted, "Didn't you just hear me? I said that I am fucking awful at chemistry!" Error retorted as Reaper just chuckled.


Four more days... It was the third day, and everyone in the Prism Deltarune have warned the citizens of Elysia, telling them to pack their necessary items and to evacuate the town as quick as possible, a few of the citizens who owned horses and carts rode their way to the next town, Lucier, whilst the others were teleported group by group with Error's teleportation device. While the other hunters were busy with the ensure evacuation of the citizens, the rest of the remaining hunters were in charge with aiding the other hunters, injecting them the vaccine to ensure that none of them will become demons in the fight, but that doesn't guarantee that they will not end up getting killed though, so the other hunters as well prepped up the battle field, aka the entire city. Each corner, roof, crevice, tree, and just basically anywhere, the hunters put up some huge chunk of light crystals so that it can disintegrate the ash and grief demons more easily. "WHOAH! YOU GUYS HAVE ALMOST EVERYTHING NOW!" Cross yelled in awe as some giant mechanism stands before him, that was well innovated by Asgore himself, it was a large cannon. "It's not too impressive or worthwhile, but it can help us in battle for sure son." Asgore chuckled, "Yeah! And uh- please don't call me son... It's a bit awkward since I'm technically 40 or more years older than you..."

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