Chapter 8: Helluva Demons

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A/N: Man... my chapters are getting complicated and more complicated... I hope they make sense at some point TwT

  All art that are shown are all drawn by me; anyways enjoy the story!


"So... Are you saying...? There's a traitor in this school?"

Reaper asked as his eyelight flared to its aggressive blue glow, the two teachers crossed their arms as they spared a glance towards each other, their faces still looked more skeptical and serious.

"Most likely..." Red muttered as Edge let out a deep sigh. Geno was deep in her thoughts, as Reaper was more conflicted with the new situation given. "After all this time, there's a Helluva Demon within this school?" Reaper scoffed angrily, spitting like venom. "Yes." Red sighed as Edge butts in, "It's either that, a traitor who disgustingly works under the Demon King. But rather cunning enough to not get caught under the crystal beams." Edge explained as Geno tensed. "Crystal... beams?" she asked with an eyebrow raised.

"In every door, window, and corner of the school, there are small patches of light crystals that can repel Shadow Demons, but they can only sting and do minimal damage to Helluva Demons." Reaper explained, as Geno thought of something, "Well... if we want to rat this Helluva Demon out, we could always do a Stigmata Survey."

Light magic cannot cause damage to any normal human's body or state. A Stigmata Survey is where Demon Hunters would try to pass their light magic to another human's body or soul, if the human reacts to the light magic in a more violent manner or takes damage from it, then they are likely to be demons who have blended within the humans, most likely Helluva Demons.

"But that will take forever! Might take the whole week with this much students here in school!" Edge exclaimed as he throws his hands in the air, Reaper glanced at Geno with a rather more intrigued look.

"It won't take forever. Since that dart was thrown in the cafeteria where we fought those Anger Demons." Geno explains, making Edge more interested and curious on what she has in plan.

"And the people present in the cafeteria were only us, a few more faculty members and elite students." She stated, as Red widened his eyes and smiled at her. "OH, MY STARS! GENO YOU ARE A GENIUS!" he exclaimed as Edge also smiled at her. "Then it is settled, by the next break, we'll call out those suspects out in the field for the Stigmata Survey." Edge exclaimed, and in great timing, the morning bell finally rung, meaning that it was now time for classes.

"Alright then, Geno and Reaper, you two are excused, come to the field by break time, alright?" Edge asked as the two nodded and headed out of the office.


"How'd you know about the Stigmata Survey, Gen?" Reaper asked as Geno just looks at him, giving him his answer. "Well... Professor CQ told me about it, it was also part of my training when it comes to deal with swarms of demons, though it costs a lot of energy and magic for me." She explains as she swifts her finger in the air, drawing a circle midair, as a trace of her red magic flowed within in. "It'll be the quickest way to execute the survey." She muttered as her magic faded from her finger.

Reaper didn't comment on it and was just amazed and intrigued on how smart the other can be. And as they walked, someone walked passes them, and they accidently hit Geno's shoulder, a bit too harsh though, as if it was on purpose.

"Watch where you are going." He said, stopping in his tracks, turning his head slightly towards them.

"The fuck is your problem? You were the one who bumped into her!" Reaper exclaimed, backing his friend up as Geno held the other's hand to stop him from going too far. "Reaper. I'm fine, let it go." She grumbled, narrowing her brows as the person widened his eyes as he flinched at the scene, "W-whatever. I have better things to do anyways." He muttered, now walking away.

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