Chapter 3: Professor CQ

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A/N: All art that are shown are all drawn by me; anyways enjoy the story!

A/N: All art that are shown are all drawn by me; anyways enjoy the story!

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"I guess I can't ask her my questions..." Reaper thought to himself as he observes the two ladies about to enter Midshade Forest. As Toriel proposed yesterday, they are leaving the next day and she will be tagging along for the other's safety, which Geno didn't opose any longer since the guardian will still insist.

Reaper and Asgore stood by as they watch the ladies disappear off into the dark foggy forest. "I'll be back soon." Toriel said and Asgore wave off goodbye to them. "Be careful out there you two." He said as Toriel waved off, Geno not looking back as she continues to walk straight into the forest.

Geno won't be coming back with Toriel once they found the Professor, since most likely Geno would rather stay with the person she knew better, but if they couldn't find the Professor, guessing the Prism Deltarune now has a new member in decades!

They walked with caution as they moved forward in the forest, the eerie noises and cackles from the Shadow Demons can be heard, but the two ladies stayed calm and collected. Geno focused on retracing her steps on how she first got in the forest when she ran away from the demons that were chasing her out, as Toriel was rather not liking the silence between them, giving it a rather colder atmosphere around them.

"So, my dear, you've been living with this Professor of yours for 10 years?" Toriel asked as Geno jumped a bit and glanced to her side to look at the sweet demon hunter. "O-oh... Yeah. It has been 10 years..." she trailed off as Toriel decides to give more depth for their conversation. "And you didn't even mention that both of you have powers from light, dear." Toriel exclaimed as Geno let out a nervous laugh and a sympathetic smile.

"I didn't even know about my powers in the first place until I was... 12?" Geno replied as the memory of it made her shudder, a chill running down her spine like an electrocution.

"5 years ago? That's not that long now has it? And you're 17 now, correct?" Toriel asked again and Geno just nods and looks back at their path to continue on their trail.

"Mmm hmm... I'm probably just a late bloomer... But, Professor CQ helped me train and control my powers better though, so I guess that's alright." Geno continued as Toriel was now rather curious about her 'professor'.

"Professor CQ? I feel like that I have heard that name before... Mmm... Yes... In one of the books back at in our library..." Toriel muttered but still audible for Geno to hear, making her raise a brow.

"Do... you know... Professor Error CQ?" Geno asked as Toriel immediately glanced at the other and gave a firm nod. "I remember now! He was once a royal scientist and engineer back in the old ruin kingdom of Sperante!" Toriel explained and suddenly became confused, since all of the people back in the Kingdom of Sperante were either killed or enslaved to the demon king, and yet, over all that was 40 years ago!

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