Chapter 25: A Grand Finale

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T̶̳̀Ḫ̸͊͝I̴͙͍͊͐S̴͙̮̀̆ ̴̮̃̾E̵̮̋N̸̗̲̓D̴͇̙͒Ṣ̵̅ ̴̛͛ͅN̴͚̋͒O̸̫̻͝W̸̖̻̾̃!̶̨͑"̸͙͉̈ ("THIS ENDS NOW!")

Nightmare launched his demon arms towards the three with what strength he had saved.

Nightmare's eye widened, pausing his attack to a sharp halt.

If he didn't stop his attack, not only three people will get killed, but four, and that fourth person just got there in a very impeccable timing, blocking his way as a human shield in front of the other three.

Letting out a low grown, gritting his teeth, acid tears in the corner of his eyes, thoughts full of frustration, Nightmare bellowed.

"̴̫͖̀Ẉ̷̀̈́-̴̡̗̍͗w̵̧̅̒h̷̹̍͜a̴͔͛t̶̯̻̒̊.̶̠̈́̐.̶̧̓̈.̵̖͋̀ ̶̄̄ͅạ̷̭̾̃r̴͍̥̆̿e̸͔̼̓̕ ̷̫̘̎y̶͜͝o̶͍̿û̴͔͕͒.̵̢͍̂͌.̷͈͇̀̕.̷͖͍̂ ̶̹̎d̷̗́o̵̫͖̓i̴͒ͅñ̵͉͈g̶̡͈͗.̵̥̺͊͐.̵̮̞́.̵̄͜ ̴̦̟͘K̵̫̋Î̸͔͂L̵̻͓͠L̵̻̱̀͝E̵̟̖͊R̷̖͑͘!̷̠̋̐?̶̧̞̏"̷̲̿͊ ("W-what... are you... doing... KILLER!?")


Killer was in front of Reaper, Geno and Error, his arms were out to shield the three behind him. Nightmare's arm like extensions were just a small centimeter away, the tip of the claw was literally touching the fabric of Killer's shirt, even Error and Geno noticed it too. Nightmare was... hesitating.

"gasp. N-Night... pant pant." Killer spoke, his head looking down to the ground, not wanting to look up to gaze at Nightmare's demonic physic.

Nightmare lets out a low growl as he feels his own frustration, feeling the hypocritical softness in him from looking at someone that he cares deeply for.

"I... I know... I k-know you di-didn't want this to happen... I know you just want everyone else to see that you're not just a negative fuming person... You just want everyone else to acknowledge you..." Killer started as tears started to fall down from his eyes as he still refuses to look at Nightmare.

Nightmare getting even more frustrated, wanting to scream but nothing came out of his mouth.

Soon in the distance, Dream and Cross could be seen, the two just being cautious at what's going on. Killer grunting, gritting his teeth and balling his hands to fists.

"What a-about Cross and Dream? They s-still care about you Night!" Killer cried out, now finally forcing himself to look at Nightmare, his face was all red, tears never ending flowing down from his cheeks as they pool down on his feet.

"I... still care about you..." Killer croaked out as it made Nightmare's eyes widen.

Error and Geno were still awfully injured, but still on guard if ever Nightmare will strike.

"Aren't we already enough...?" Killer spoke again as he lowered his arms, now just standing shakily in front of the demon king, a saddened and worrisome look still rested on his face.

"Am... I... n-not enough?" Killer whispered as Nightmare's arm like extensions slowly withered to ash, desummoning them completely, his stance was now gentle, his dreadful and gloomy aura slowly depleting.

"Of course... y-you're enough..." Nightmare spoke but in a less distorted tone, his voice was hasty and dry, but... it was Nightmare's old and normal voice.

Geno and Error were in shock once they saw Nightmare now softened. Maybe it was because he was weakened a lot by Reaper that it nullified most of his demon and negative energy making Nightmare open up little by little, and the one fully breaking through was Killer.

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