Chapter 24: Saved by a Feeling

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"PRINCE NIGHTMARE!?" A little boy cried out as he ran in the forest, he ran and ran as he looks around feeling frantic and panic all over him. "PRINCE NIGHTMARE!? WHERE ARE YOU!?" he called out even more. For a little while, he then ran into two more people. The two were still young boys, one has white fluffy hair, his sweater was grey, with a golden heart locket dangling on his chest. One was a little blonde boy, his clothes were more formal, and he wore a cute circlet crown on him. "Any sign of my brother guys?" The little blonde boy spoke as the two others shook their head. "C-cross, did you sense a bit of magic? A-anywhere?" The young boy asked again in a more tearful and worried tone, as the boy in white or the one named 'Cross' reply, "I didn't pick up anything as I looked... Sorry Prince Dream." Cross apologized to the blonde boy named 'Dream'.

The other grunted as he lets a low growl, balling his hands into fists. "K-Killer..." Dream stuttered, feeling a sense of negativity from the other boy named 'Killer'. "I TOLD YOU WE SHOULDN'T HAVE LEFT HIM BEHIND!" Killer yelled, raising his voice as it startled Dream.

Dream wasn't really much a fan of loud noises and stingy conflicts, especially with a close friend. "Killer don't yell! Even if we did stay, Nightmare would have still pushed us away to make us leave! It's obvious he wants to go alone! And I understand why we're all so worried here!" Cross argued back as he stands in front of Dream, also minding his own tone to lessen the loud yelling.

The two beckoned for a while as Dream was really getting even more worried, looking at the sky as it slowly shifts to night, making him worry even more. "G-guys... N-now isn't the time to argue, p-please... We n-need to hurry... I-It's getting dark soon!" Dream cuts in between the two as they finally stopped and decided to look around once more.

Killer went downhill, close to a lake as he goes, and a few steps ahead, he could feel a spike of light magic picking up in the air. "H-He's here!" Killer thought as he sprinted his way around as the magic grew stronger. "P-PRINCE NIGHTMARE!" He exclaimed as he pushes aside some bushes, and finally there he found the person they were looking for.

Prince Nightmare jolted from the surprise, seeing one of his friends and young knight too far outside the kingdom. "K-Killer? What are you doing here?" Nightmare asked as Killer just pouts and quickly jumped at the other, locking Nightmare in a huge bear hug.

Nightmare went silent as he just hugs back, "Come on Night, let's just go back to the castle... please?" Killer asked, his cute little plump face dusted with a hue of red, and so was Nightmare, a frown rested on his face, letting out a sigh. "Y-yeah... Sorry for the trouble you went through for looking for me..." Nightmare said as Killer just giggles, "We better find Cross and Prince Dream too, just to let them know I finally found you..." Killer said as his statement made Nightmare widen his eyes, "C-cross and my b-brother are also looking for me?" He asked, and Killer nodded, "We were worried when you suddenly went gone when we came back, we just had to look for you..." Killer explained as Nightmare didn't have anything else to comment as they finally made their way.

The sun was now set, and the sky was dark, though the stars were out and the moon was lit as well, but that doesn't mean that the shadow demons will leave those who wander in the night alone.

"B-be careful Prince Nightmare..." Killer muttered as he tries to be brave, leading their way in the forest, his small frame shaken up a bit as he goes, and there, his eyes widened, making him push the prince away by reflex.

"KILLER!" Nightmare exclaimed as a shadow demon clawed at the young male, Killer gasping for air once he evaded the shadow demon's attack, but he was still hit right in his left eye, causing it bleed. "I-I'm okay-" Killer tried to reassure but before he could finish his statement, the demon was about to attack again, Nightmare acting on instinct as he summons a small dagger, pushes Killer to side and slays the demon.

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