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When Dazai came home, he realised that he doesn't want his friends to see his wounds. He was not scared of their reaction or sonething, but as he knew Oda, he would be worried about him. He didn't want to worry his friend more than he already did. But now he couldn't really hide them, he could only hope that his friends are not home yet or they will not see him. And he was lucky, they didn't come yet. He put his bloody clothes in a washing mashine, turned it on, then got a very quick shower to get rid of all that blood on his body and clear his wounds. (Perverts imaginating him showering xD)

When he was done, he wrapped bandages all around his body. As he knew Oda knows him, he will tell him he's starting a new fashion trend, it should work. Oda will probably not even be surprised by Dazai doing something like this, so why not hide your wounds while calling it a style or a fashion trend?


Chuuya came home much earlier than usually, but didn't really know what to do with all that time. He took some snack and decided to check instagram, maybe find some interesting accounts to follow or at least kill time as he always does...

The moment he opened it, he was kinda surprised. There was one unread message. He didn't have many internet friends and when he did, they usually only talked for a few weeks or so and then forgot about each others' existence. Even more surprised he was when he looked at that account that sent a simple ,,Hi, Chuuya :)"

It was Dazai. Of course first thing Chuuya did was checking on Dazai's instagram account. He only had a profile photo with his own face, but there were no other photos on his account. Chuuya answered simple ,,Hi". He was pretty much surprised because he thought that Dazai hate him and doesn't want to talk to him. He waited for about ten minutes while re-reading the small text saying ,,seen". Normally he wouldn't care and consider it other one's problem that he's not answering, but now it made him sad for some reason he couldn't explain, so he sent another message. ,,Do you need something?"

Again it took few minutes, but this time Chuuya heard that sound of his phone notificating him about a new message. The second he heard it, he got to the phone and opened that chat with Dazai. ,,Maybe." Was all he sent. It took Chuuya plenty of time and really hard thinking to decide what to answer. ,,That's not an answer!" Why was he getting mad at Dazai while just reading a message he sent? He didn't need to wait for too long to get answer. ,,What if it is?"

He was already getting pissed off. ,,And what the fuck do you mean by that? Wait... let me guess. You won't give me a propper answer, will you? (Dumbass!)" Took a long time to get reply.

,,Maybe I just wanted to tell you that I think I may have feelings for you, Chuuya." Now he was so shocked about this message. His eyes got a little bit wider and he covered his mouth with a hand. He only kept re-reading that one message, thinking about what he should answer. He was so unsure of what to say. This all was too fast and so unbelievable. Just how could this happen? Is this real? He didn't see that coming at all. He was worried that Dazai would be sad if he would deny him. Of course normally he didn't care about hurting anybody, but this was not the case. Or maybe he didn't even want to deny him. What will actually happen if he'll...

Another message. It said: ,,And maybe I just hate you so much so I want you to die by the most painful and embarrasing death, but if I would make this dream come true, they would arrest me. Consider it reason why you still live. Your classmates were right about you when they said you're an agressive, dumb weirdo that won't ever belong anywhere." Chuuya just dropped his phone while reading this message. Suddenly he felt sad again. No. Sad was such a weak word for this. The feeling was much more than just sadness, this was much more similar to his heart being torn apart to pieces, then burnt. Even this imagination was not really enough. But why did it make him feel this bad? He was already used to being hated by everyone. Maybe it was the fact that for one day he had a friend and now that friend want him to die by tge most painful possible death.

How could he be so dumb? How could he think Dazai would actually feel that way? That even wasn't what he wanted.. right? So why the fuck did he think this could be real? How could he lose his cold way of thinking like this?

He picked up the phone and made sure it's not broken, which was kind of relief. ,,Did u lose all of ur words, Chuuya?" Another message. Another wave of sadness. ,,Not as much as you would if I'd cut your tongue off." He was sad. But there also was that one part of him that was angry as hell. The part of him that felt like breaking anything and everything that coms in his way. That part of him spreading as a fire, taking controll over his acts.

,,Ohhhhhh I'm so scaaaared" that message made Chuuya even more irriteted. He knew it would probably end up very badly if he would continue on texting with Dazai. He switched his phone off and went to kitchen to make a pizza for dinner. But he still couldn't stop thinking about what just happened. Why? Why did he believe this? How did this just happen? Why did Dazai do that?

Ok guys, I'm really curious about what you think will happen so don't forget to write it in comments~

Also sorry for a very short chapter. And since I'm not going to share a part untill the end of the year, happy new year to all of you and let's hope that 2021 will be better than this year.

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