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The blond haired girl opened her eyes. She felt warm and nice, but all of this started to fade away the moment she realised she was sleeping in Gin's arms. This thing itself wasn't anything unusual, these two normally slept in one bed hugging each other and cuddling the whole night. But this time it was different. It was different because of what happened yesterday, when they were a little bit drunk. Higuchi remembered everything that happened and was glad that all of that happened, she had a big crush on the other girl for quite some time and not like she would be able to hide it as she did forever. But will the other be ok with what happened? But at the same time... Gin was the first one to confess. But she wasn't sober either. But would she say such thing just because of being a little drunk? After all these things, Higuchi closed her eyes again, and decided not to overthink it too much.


,,Poe.... you really are drunk, aren't you?"


,,If you actually mean it, you'll tell me when you're sober."

Now it was the only thing going on in his mind. If he actually tells Ranpo the same thing when sober, what will be his reaction? What if he wasn't going to accept Poe's feelings? What if Ranpo secretly wishes it's not gonna happen? Why did he even try confessing when being drunk? Now he was cursing himself for that stupid idea.


The most people were already sitting in the kitchen, some of them eating breakfast, some of them reading books, staring in their phones or almost anything. But everyone were quite. Nobody said a single word until Gin entered the room. The moment she did, Higuchi blushed, remembering everything. Gin, quietly as always, sat right next to the blond haired girl. She almost seemed as only an illusion, as she was able to walk without making a single sound, so Higuchi realised how close these two are to each other now when their arms accidentally touched each other. Tge sudden touch made the blond girl shake a little. Now the atmosphere between them was even more tensed up. Both were looking at each other without saying a single word, both somehow lost in thoughts.

Atsushi's voice interrupted these two, making them turn around and forget the weird atmosphere between them. ,,Where is Dazai?" He was the only one missing. ,,Probably still sleeping." Was the only answer he got.

But Dazai wasn't sleeping anymore. He was sitting on his bed, pressed against a wall and lost in thoughts.

I guess it all is broken now. What are we? Some shitty enemies?

Guess its all what's left

Now he isn't able to erase these words from this mind. He knew that they're not the same as before. He knew Chuuya doesn't like him. But until now there was at least some hope of them being friends again. But now they're enemies, it's confirmed. He never thought that this is how Chuuya sees all the things.

He was just browsing all the memories of them and didn't believe it's all gonna end like this.

,,Hey new boy, can you move a little bit? I can't see a single shit."

,,I didn't ask for your fucking name, I just told you to move so I could see what's written on the fucking board."

Maybe they were meant to be enemies from the very beginning.

,,Actually you're the only person here that doesn't look like a selfish bitch."

And maybe that's just how they made it. He didn't cry for such a long time. But now, thinking about all these things, his eyes were filled up with tears. He missed Chuuya being his protector when other classmates attacked him. He remembered as he was surprised how strong Chuuya is when he saw him fight these idiots for a first time.

He missed how Chuuya always waited in front of his house and then they walked to school together. He missed the way they looked into each other's eyes, when he saw the kindness in ginger's ones, wishing to see not just his eyes, but his soft side as well. But he'll never do. Because it's all lost now.


Higuchi was sitting in a garden, overthinking all the things. All of sudden she felt a hand being placed on her shoulder. She turned around quickly just to see Gin. ,,Are you allright? You're acting weird." She asked with a gentle voice, sitting next to her. Higuchi blushed, thinking about what to answer. She can't just say that she wants to kiss her again and that she wants the two of them to be girlfriends. ,,It's nothing." She whispered, but she regretted it the moment she said it.

,,Higuchi." Just hearing Gin say her name made her shake. ,,You know, I love you and care about you. So please, if there's something going on, tell me."

She heard these words from her again. And now she can't just pretend that these feelings do not exist. ,,What are we?" She asked, scared of what the other one's gonna answer.

,,What do you want us to be?" Gin asked, that soft and caring smile on her face. ,,lovers." She whispered so quietly so even she herself barely heard it. But Gin did so as well. She took the blond haired girl's face and made her look into her eyes.

Higuchi was surprised to see Gin smiling at that answer. And even more surprised she was when their lips met.

Sorry for not posting for a while, I had exams and felt like a shit.

Anyway thank u for all of your support, it means so much and I'm really thankful. You make me motivated and make me feel at least a little better about myself which really means a lot for me.

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