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It was a nice day. They enjoyed many attractions, ate a lot of good food, laughed at so many jokes. Now all four of them were sitting there on a bench, eating some cheap chips they bought in one of the booths as a dinner. ,,It was a nice day, we have to repeat it sometime." Oda smiled. ,,I'm glad Chuuya could come with us as well." Dazai looked at Chuuya and blushed a little. ,,He can come anytime." Ango smiled at the two boys.


They all sat in a car. The sky was getting darker and darker and it was getting cold. Nobody felt like going outside, they all were tired. They didn't talk too much.

As they continued on their way home, Dazai suddenly felt weight on his shoulder. When he realised it's Chuuya, who fell asleep, he blushed. Then he smiled and patted his hair.


,,We're home, Chuuya" Dazai said with a soft voice and watched the other wake up. When the short one realised what happened, he blushed so hard in embarrassment. ,,I'm sorry... I guess I fell asleep." ,,It's allright." Dazai gave him a smile. ,,Thanks for the trip, Dazai, see you at school on Monday." He said a quick goodbye, then went to his house pretty fast.

Dazai blushed a little at the thought of Chuuya sleeping on his shoulder the whole way.


Dazai and Chuuya were again at school, after afternoon lessons Chuuya invited him to the roof top, saying that he needs to talk to the other.

Now they were sitting there for like 10 minutes without a single word when Chuuya finally interrupted the annoying silence.

,,Dazai ugh... I think I may like you." He said so all of sudden so it surprised Dazai a lot. The both of them immediately blushed.

,,You mean it like..," Dazai didn't know how to finish that sentence and luckily he didn't even have to, because Chuuya gave him a quick kiss on his lips.

Dazai didn't know what to say. What to do. What to think. He only sat there right next to the other boy who just kissed him, blushing as a tomato. ,,C-Chuuya... I mean..." he didn't know what to say.

He looked at the smaller ginger boy, and smiled how adorable he was. They just kept staring into each other's eyes. ,,I love you Dazai." Chuuya repeated, whispering. Dazai couldn't resist and pulled the other into a hug.

What happened then? Dazai opened his eyes and saw nothing but darkness of his own room.

Did you really think this would go so fast? >:)


Dazai went to sleep early, he was pretty much exhausted. Odasaku and Ango stood in a living room, watching a film on tv. When stupid adds interrupted the film, Oda decided to get them a bowl of popcorn. As he went to the kitchen, he noticed Dazai's phone on the table. ,,The dumbass will think he lost it." He chuckled, then took Dazai's phone to put it in Dazai's room so he won't panic tomorrow.

He carefully opened the door, trying not to wake his roommate up. Then he heard Dazai talking.

,,You mean it like....."

Then he was quiet for a while.


Then he mumbled something more, but Oda couldn't recognise what. He smiled. Seems like Dazai already has Chuuya in his dreams.

He decided to leave the room, he didn't want to spy on his sleeping friend after all.


It took Dazai few minutes to realise what's happening and that this all was only a dream. He touched his face and realised how warm it was, he sure is blushing a lot.

,,Why did I have that dream?"

,,What the fuck?"

,,The sleeping me is really going crazy "

He tried to fall asleep, but he couldn't because all his thoughts were still on the weird dream with Chuuya he had just a few minutes ago.


When Oda came to the kitchen, he had a wide smile. Of course Ango noticed it very quickly and asked what happened. ,,As I went for popcorn, I saw Dazai's phone on the kitchen table. So I decided to bring in to his room and he was sleep talking."

Ango was already realising where it was going. ,,What was he talking about?" Oda smirked. ,,Guess."

It didn't take Ango a really long time. ,,Nakahara-kun." Oda nodded.


Dazai tried to fall asleep. But he couldn't. Whenever he seemed to be falling asleep, he started thinking about what happened in that dream. Why did he have such dream? And why with Chuuya? He heard that the most of dreams have some kind of a meaning, but is it true? And if yes, what does it mean?

Then he always realised where are his thoughts getting, which wake him up.

Why do I imagine Chuuya's house looking like my and Dazai's one looking like my friend's? Wtf if wrong with me? xD

BSD ~ Soukoku ~ High school AUWhere stories live. Discover now